Cards (13)

  • Academies:
    • Leave local authority control, independent, state-funded
    • Increased competition and fragmentation
  • Free schools:
    • State-funded but independently run by parents
    • Parents choose what's best for their children, can be selective
  • Fragmentation (Ball):
    • Comprehensive schools replaced by academies and free schools, leading to greater inequality in education
  • Privatisation:
    • Transfer of public assets to private companies
    • Private education companies are foreign-owned
  • Cola-isation:
    • Schools targeted by private companies
    • Introduction of vending machines and brands
    • Education as a commodity, moved to private control for profit
  • What is the tripartite system?
    Grammar schools, secondary modern, technical 
  • What is marketisation?

    running schools like businesses 
  • whats parentocracy?

    ruled by parents, higher quality education 
  • Bartlett
    Cream skimming and silt shifting school can pick who they accept because of marketisation 
  • What is funding formula?

    schools receive funding based on amount of students, popular schools get more funding 
  • Gewirtz: parental choice 
    • Privileged skilled choosers, mc have economic and cultural capital and therefore have choice unlike wc 
  • Ball: myth of parentocracy, not every parent has choice 
  • Who says schools are targeted by private companies?
