Internal Organisation Environment

Cards (9)

  • An organization's internal environment is composed of the elements within the organisation including current employees management and corporate culture (which define employee behaviour).
  • An organization's mission statement is key to the internal environment as it describes what the organization stands for and why it exists.
  • An organization's mission statement explains the overall purpose of the organization and includes the attributes that distinguish it from other organizations of its type.
  • A mission statement should answer the questions "What are our values?" and "What do we stand for?"
  • A good mission statement should identify the following intents of a company: customers - who will be served, products/services - what will be produced, location - where the products/services will be produced, philosophy - what ideology will be followed
  • company policies and procedures are guidelines that govern how certain organizational situations are addressed with its mission statement.
  • The formal structure of an organisation is the hierarchical of tasks and people.
  • This structure determines how information flows within the organisation, which departments are responsible for which activities and where the decision-making power rests.
  • The formal structure is displayed in an organizational chart which is a pictorial display of the official lines of authority and communication within an organisation.