Impacts Of Climate Change

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  • Sea level rise is caused by the thermal expansion of oceans.
  • Sea level rise is also caused by melting of glaciers and ice caps.
  • Low lying coastal areas will suffer flooding (Bangladesh)
  • Flooding leads to may people being forced to leave their homes and lose farmland.
  • People fleeing from floods also leads to climate refugees which puts strain on resources in other countries.
  • More extreme weather such as flooding and droughts
  • Increased sea temperatures cause more intense and frequent storms
  • Increased precipitation in northern hemisphere (scotland)
  • Increase in tropical disease as warmer areas expand. 40 million people in Africa are exposed to Malaria
  • Predicted extinction of at least 10% of land species
  • Coral reefs suffer 80% coral bleaching causing the coral to turn white
  • A prolonged dry season can lead to forest fires (Australia)