The ethnic composition of Belgium is very complex. 59% live in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch.40% live in the Wallonia region and speaks French.1% are German-speaking.
In Brussels, 80% of the people speak French and 20% speak Dutch.
The French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. This led to tensions between the French and Dutch-speaking communities.
Sri lanka has a diverse population. The major social groups are the Sinhala-speakers (74%) and the Tamil-speakers (18%).
Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups; Sri LankanTamils (13%) and Indian Tamils (87%).
Most Sinhala-speakers are Buddhists.
Majoritarianism is a belief that the majority should be able to rule a country and impose their will on the minority.
Sri lanka emerged as an independent nation in 1948.
In 1956, an Act was passed which recognised Sinhala as the only official language of Sri Lanka, disregarding Tamil.
The Sri Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggle for the recognitionofTamilasanofficiallanguage, for regionalautonomy and equalityofoppurtunity.
Civil War is an intense and violent conflict between opposing groups within a country, which appears like a war.