Came to France relatively late (ca. 1600 C.E.) due to religious civil wars between Catholics and Protestants
France adopted conventions of the Renaissance from other countries, mostly Italy
King Louis XIV ("the Sun King") inspired a new lavish way of dressing for men with wigs, heels, and makeup
Three types of theaters during the French Renaissance:
Temporary theaters (saw horses, boards, and curtains)
Tenniscourt theaters
Permanent theaters
Women were permitted onstage, usually married to one of the actors in the company
Actors had to renounce their profession before they died to be buried on Christian soil
Theatre companies gave a large sum of money to the family of deceased actors (precursor to life insurance)
Wealthyaudience members sat on the stage and arrived late to be seen, leading to progressively later start times (5:00 p.m.)
French Neoclassicism:
Subset of the Renaissance, focusing on a rediscovery and revival of classical Greek and Roman culture
Followed five classical ideals/rules: Genre, Verisimilitude, The Three Unities (Time, Place, Action), Decorum, and Purpose
French Neoclassicism ideals:
Verisimilitude: the appearance of truth, true-to-life
The Three Unities:
Time: one day
Place: one setting
Action: one central story
Decorum: appropriate dramatic behavior and fair play
Purpose: to entertain with a moral
"Purpose": Principles were an attempt to define the world that playwrights should seek to mirror
French Neoclassicism principles:
"Reality": Believability, no fantasy or supernatural events, no soliloquies
"Morality": Drama must teach moral lessons, wickedness is punished and good is rewarded
"Universality": Interested in the typical/standard traits that are discoverable through rational examination, truth remains unchanged regardless of historical period or geographical location
"Decorum": Established norms for all humanity according to age, rank, gender, profession, predispositions, etc.
Significant Playwrights of French Drama:
Pierre Corneille: Most prolific playwright of the French Neoclassical period, known for plays like "Melite" and "Le Cid"
Jean Racine: Overshadowed Pierre Corneille, known for works like "Andromaque," "Iphigenie," and "Phedre"
Jean Baptiste Poquelin is the brithname of Moliere: Known for works like "The School for Wives," "Tartuffe," and "The Misanthrope"
French Neoclassical Technical Practices:
Dramatic, elaborate, and rich
Verisimilitude dictated a realistic depiction of depth and perception
Perspective backdrop painting adopted from Italian designers
Costumes were realistic, yet slightly embellished
Proscenium theaters were the norm
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing wrote the ground work for Medea
So they're like heavily on the trend of Spain, France, and England.
Gotthold Ephraim lessing from 1729 to 1781, this person is what we consider the first significant German dramatist.
Nathan The Wise wrote a dramatic peom in written blank verse and lambic pentameter without rhyme.
"sturm und Drang" = storm and stress
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe was considered a universal, he also start first from of table work, corrected line reading and interpretations, and the first from of stage picture as well as blocking
Goethe directing philosophies included: serving the script, historical accuracy of sets, costumes, and props, Acting ensembles (No Stars), extensive rehearsal that were 5-6 hours per day for several months and full out every day
Neoclassicism ideals are Verisimilitude, three unites, purpose, decorum, Genre, and purpose
Malapropism - Our watch sir. We have comprehended two auspicious persons."
puns - I've been to the dentisit, so I know the drill."
what kind of theatres were the norm during the french Neoclassicism period - proscenium theatres
Renn. mean Rebrith
While recovering from the war france adopt convension from Italy
The three main type of theatre in the french Neoclassicism - Tennis court, premant, and temperary
in the common wealth period short plays were condend from longer works - Drolls
who received a patent to build from king charles to open the company - Sir Willaim Davenant
who started start the king company - thomas malthus
king charles the second was in favor of female performer - true
elebrate set were bulit during - false
Germany the writer of the pamphlet was a supporter of comedy - false
what are some componetent of the comedy of manner - puns, witty dialouage, dogberryism, sexy explicitcomedy
Aphra Behn - firstfemale playwright
cockholding mean a partner cheating
Green base carpet was used to allow the actor to fall on ground to not mess up their outfits when they died
who wrote the homburg dramaturgy and is consider the dramatury Gotthold Ephraim Lessing