Transition metal ions can be identified by their colour.
Colour arises when some of the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed
and the remaining wavelengths of light are transmitted or reflected.
d electrons move from the ground state to an excited state when light is absorbed.
The energy difference between the ground state and the excited state of the d electrons is given by:
∆E = hν = hc/λ
Changes in oxidation state, co-ordination number and ligand alter ∆E and this leads to a change in colour
The absorption of visible light is used in spectroscopy.
A simple colorimeter can be used to determine the concentration of coloured ions in solution.
A simple colorimeter can be used to determine the concentration of coloured ions in solution.
Suggest why it is important that the container for each sample has the same dimensions. [1 mark]
Absorption depends on proportional to path length / distance travelled through solution
Suggest why the coloured filter is used in a colorimter [1 mark]
To select the colour / frequency / wavelength that is (most strongly) absorbed (by the sample)
ACCEPT the filter is chosen to complement the colour of the solution
Suggest one reason why a colorimetric method might be chosen in preference to titration [1 mark]
Quicker to analyse extracted samples than by titration / uses smaller volumes of solution
By considering the properties of the reactants and products, state why it is possible to use a spectrometer to measure the concentration of the manganate(VII) ions in this reaction mixture.
MANGANATE(VII) ions are COLOURED! (purple)
All other reactants and products are NOT coloured (or too faintly coloured to detect)