
Cards (26)

  • we use immunosuppressants for organ transplant
  • diffrent organ transplant uses diffrent immunospressant :
    • heart : tacrolimus,
    • kidney liver: steroids tacrolimus
    • HSCT: cyclosporine
  • know this
  • cyclosporine va changer AUC
  • tacrolimus va chnager concentration min
  • inhibiteur de la calcineurie : tacrolimus et cyclosporine (Csa inhibite CaN) et (FK506 inhibe CaN)
  • tacrolimus et cyclosporine substrat de Pgp et CYP3A4 et 3A5
  • pour atcro et cyclo CYP3A5 tres muté (*3) diminution de l'activité
  • CYP3A5 non fonctionnelle (*6,*7)
  • frequnece allelique CYP3A5 *3 very present in caucasien and asians and africans (but a little less)
  • CYP3A4 *22 very mutated and phenotype: diminution de activité
  • CYP3A4*22 present in caucasiens
  • CYP3A4*1B activité metabolique augmenter chez africains plus souvent
  • doses were determined with mutated ppl (so reduced activity for CYP3A5) so ppl who are not mutated need higher doses
  • POR helps CYP enzymes to oxidize
  • POR*28 mutation that reduces oxidoreduction id CYP enzymes
  • Pgp mutation (C3435T) = diminution activité duedenal
  • if Pgp is mutated : more Rx is absorbed and more concentration
  • for ppl with non mutated Pgp, we must increase dose bcuz it was decreased for mutated ppl )the studies and doses are done on them)
  • in the kidneys if Pgp is mutated, we have less clerance of drug and cause for nephrotoxixity
  • with tacrolimus, CYP3A5 *3 we have reduce metabolism (so Rx has to be decreased)
  • with tacrolimus CYP3A5 non mutated, we must increase dose because muatted dose not enough for them
  • with tacrolimus, if carrier of POR *28, we have less metabolism (so Rx accumulated in systemic system)
  • pour cyclosporine, CYP3A4*22 (diminution de activité) we will have accumulated drug in systeme so diminution de clairance CsA
  • it is important de genotype transplant organ like when we do renal transplant and the donor has polymorphism in Pgp (diminution activité TT) more at risk of nephotoxicity
  • tacrolimus is related to neurotoxicity due to mutation in CYP3A4