Social script ascribed to individuals performing to their role in childbearing or child-rearing and related tasks such as maintaining the household.
Social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role in economic production and related tasks such as engaging in public affairs and living in the world of work.
Psychological – Anything associated with mental process and behaviors.
Social – Associated with human relationships, connections, and interactions.
These domains means that in studying gender and sexuality, it is important to look into the way people think (cognition), feel (affect), and behave (behavior) since these are linked to one another.
3 Primary Psychological Domains
people's thought processes such as memory, perception, and information processing
People's observable or not readily observable actions
Emotions and feelings
Field of science which concerns itself with the human person's realities and experiences as part of groups and institutions including the structures and functions of these institutions, and the dynamics of human relationships within them.
Self-Awareness – conscious understanding of something
In the context of gender and sexuality, we ask:
What am I physiologically?
What is my gender?
Other-Awareness – understanding others
In the context of gender and sexuality, we ask:
What is he/she physiologically?
What are his/her preferences?
HUMAN RELATIONSHIP – A bond formed between two/more people, manifested through communications and interactions
INTIMACY – Process of knowing others and allowing others to know us
SOCIALIZATION – The process by which we learn cultural norms and traditions.
A state of satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.
Observed, outward, and can be evaluated through the presence/absence of particular elements in our environment.
Does the physical environment allow expression of diversity?
Are health care systems and services responsive to the needs of people with different sexes, genders, etc.?
Are there services and policies in place to mitigate abuse and different forms of violence related to gender and sexuality?
Personal experience of satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.
SENSORIUM – The totality of our sensory experiences and perception.
Our affect (emotions and feelings)
actually play a major role in our behavior.
Both men and women value physical attractiveness and this is true across many different cultures.
However, there are some studies that have explored gender differences in visual stimuli and sexual arousal.
Rupp & Wallen:
found that when confronted by an intimate interaction,
men would tend to be rather influenced by visual cues.
women were found to be more influenced by the context.
Scientists have tried to explain how human olfactioninfluencessexuality.
Our noses are the best compass to find a suitable partner because of two reasons:
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC
Chemical molecules released in humans, insects, and animals that trigger a response to or elicit specific behavioral expressions or hormonal changes from the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes of the same species
Hypothalamus -the part of the brain that interprets these chemical messages
This part comprises much of the Limbic System, the part of the body responsible for managing our emotions, including sexual behavior.
A group of genes that code for proteins that help the immune system recognize foreign substances.
It is because of these genes that we feel attracted to another person’s signature odor.
Example: Sweaty T-shirt Experiment
Olfactory Experience Muscarella, Arantes, and Konscol (2011)