What was psychology like in the 17th to 19th century?
A branch of philosophy known as experimental philosophy
What occured in psychology in 1879?
Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology lab in Germany and psychology becomes its own discipline
What occurred in psychology in around 1900?
Sigmund Freud emphasises the influence of the unconscious mind on behaviour in the psychodynamic approach, developing a person-centred therapy called psychoanalysis where physical problems are explained as mental conflicts
What occurred in psychology in 1913?
John Watson writes ‘psychology as the behaviourist views it’ and then, with Skinner, establishes the behaviourist approach which dominates psychology along with the psychodynamic approach for the first half of the 20th century
What occurred in psychology in the early 1950s?
Rogers and Maslow develop the humanistic approach - the ‘third force’ in psychology which rejects the psychodynamic and behaviourist idea that behaviour is determined by outside factors, emphasising the importance of self-determination and free will
What occurred in psychology in the late 1950s?
The digital computer gives psychologists a metaphor for the operations of the mind, with the cognitive approach reintroducing the study of mental processes but in a more scientific way than Wundt
What happened in psychology in the 1960s?
Bandura proposed the social learning theory which draws attention to the role of cognitive factors in learning, providing a bridge between the newly established cognitive approach and traditional behaviourism
What happened in psychology in the 1980s?
The biological approach becomes the dominant scientific perspective due to advances in technology that have increased understanding of the brain and biological processes
What happened in psychology at the end of the 20th century?
Cognitive neuroscience, which investigates how biological structures influence mental states, emerges as a distinct discipline bringing together cognitive and biological approaches
When did Wilhelm Wundt open the first ever lab dedicated entirely to psychology?
Where was Wundts lab?
Leipzig, Germany
Why is Wundts work significant?
Marked the beginning of scientific psychology, separating it from its broader philosophical roots
What was Wundts aim?
To try and analyse the nature of human consciousness
What was his systematic attempt to study the mind under controlled conditions called?
What did Wundt develop theories about?
Mental processes like language and perception
What was Wundts method of investugating mental processes?
Him and his co-workers recorded their experiences of various stimuli they were presented with such as different objects or sounds are divided their observations into thoughts, images and sensations
What is isolating the structure of consciousness called?
How were Wundts procedures standardised?
The stimuli were always in the same order and the same instructions issues to all participants
What are the evaluations of Wundt?
Strength: Standardised instructions and in a lab to reduce extraneous variables
Weakness: Subjective data as it is self-report so could be influenced by personal perspectives and hard to establish ‘laws of behaviour’
Strength: Contributed to future approaches like cognitive approach and is the ‘father of psychology‘, even making the first textbook
What does science involve?
Building knowledge through systematic and objective measurement with an aim of discovering generallaws
Who was the first to question the value of introspection?
What was the issue with introspection?
It produced subjective data so it was very difficult to establish general laws
What did Watson and Skinner claim a truly scientific psychology must do?
Study phenomena that can be observed objectively and measured
How were behaviourists scientific?
They focused on behaviours they could see and used carefully controlled experiments
How was the cognitive approach scientific?
They tested predictions using experiments
How is the biological approach scientific?
They use technology to investigate physiologiCal processes as they happen, for example fMRI, EEG and genetic testing
What are the evaluations for the emergence of psychology as a science?
Strength: Modern psychology is scientific as it has the same aims as natural sciences (to describe and understand behaviour) and most approaches rely on experiments
Weakness: Not all approaches use objective methods - humanistic approach uses individual experience and psychodynamic approach uses case studies and either way humans are active participants with demand characteristics
Weakness: Kuhn - Psychology has no paradigm - set of principles and assumptions everyone agrees on
What type of behaviour is the behaviourist approach interested in studying?
Observable and measurable
What is the behaviourist approach not interest in investigating?
Mental processes of the mind as they were seen as irrelevant
Why did Watson reject introspection?
Because it involved too many concepts that were vague and difficult to measure
How did behaviourists maintain more control and objectivity within their research?
By using lab studies
What do behaviourists think all behaviour is?
What do behaviourists describe a baby’s mind like?
A ‘blank slate’, written on by experience
What did behaviourists believe abut differences in learn ing between species?
The basic processes that govern learning are the same in all species
What did behaviourists test on?
What were the two types of learning identified by behaviourists?
Classical and operant conditioning
What is classical conditioning?
Learning through association
Who studied classical conditioning?
How did Pavlov demonstrate classical conditioning?
Pavlov’s dogs learned to associate the sound of a bell with food, producing a salivation response every time they heard the sound
What did Pavlov’s study show?
How a neutral stimulus can be associated with an unconditioned stimulus which produces an unconditioned response, creating a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response