Software and Shit

Cards (21)

  • System Software is independent of any General-Purpose Package or any Application Area
  • System software is designed to assist the computer in efficient execution of application programs
  • System Software:
    1. Library Programs
    2. translation Software
    3. Utility Programs
    4. The OS
  • Library Programs are a collection of programs that can be used
  • Translation Software convert languages to another language
  • There are three types of Translators:
    1. Assemblers
    2. Interpreters
    3. Compilers
  • Utility Software is used to maintain the system. e.g. Disk Defragmentation
  • The OS is the most important part of the system as it provides a interface for the user, communicates with I/O devices and manages memory
  • Direct Addressing is when a memory address is holding a value you use
  • Immediate addressing is when you use am actual value
  • Assemblers: Translate Assembly language to machine code
  • Interpreters take one line at a time and checks to see if it’s valid, then executes that, then moves to the next line
  • Interpreter Pros: debugging programs when coding, if an error is found it can be corrected
  • Compilers check that all lines are valid, then converts It all so it can be executed by a computer
  • Compiler Pros: runs faster, the machine code can be run on a computer without a compiler
  • Fetch-Execute Steps (fetch):
    1. Address of next instruction transferred from PC to MAR
    2. PC incremented by 1
    3. Instruction stored in location addressed by MAR is transferred to MBR
    4. Instruction Moved from MBR to CIR
  • Fetch-Execute (decode):
    1. Instruction in CIR is decoded
    2. (if required) additional data is fetched from memory
    3. Its passed to the registers
  • Fetch-Execute (execute):
    1. Instructions are executed by the ALU
    2. Registers are used to store intermediate data
    3. Result is stored in the general purpose register or memory
  • The Processors main bits are:
    • ALU
    • CU
    • Clock
    • PC
    • General Registers
    • MBR
    • MAR and CIR
  • Boolean Algebra Laws:
    • A.(B+C) = (A.B)+(A.C)
    • A+(A.C) = (A+B).(A+C)
    • A.A = A = A+A
    • A+NOTA = 1
    • A.NOTA = 0
    • A+(NOTA.B) = A.B
    • A.(NOTA+B) = A+B
    • NOT(A+B) = NOTA.NOTB
    • NOT(A.B) = NOTA+NOTB
    • 1.A = A, 1+A = 1
    • 0.A =0, 0+A=A
  • What does the ALU do?
    Carries out arithmetic operations