march of progress

Cards (26)

  • Y+M
    family in Britain has developed in 3 stages
  • pre-industrial family (pre 1750) Y+M

    -unit of production live where you work
    -agriculture/cottage industry
    -extended family common
  • early industrial family (1750-1900) Y+M
    -mass production of consumer items
    -major growth of towns and cities
    -men work in factories women stay home (segregated conjugual roles) (division of labour)
  • symmetrical family (1960+) Y+M
    -nuclear family more common
    -home centred and privatised
    -joint conjugal roles
    -both breadwinners
  • bethnal green, east london 1950s Y+M
    -traditional working class area
    -extended family lived close by
    -close mother daughter relationships help with domestic life
    -women do housework men are breadwinners
  • Greenleigh, Essex 1970s Y+M
    -families from bethnal green to greenleigh a new council estate
    -home centered nuclear family, isolated, privatised
    -shared decision making
    -joint conjugal roles-symmetrical
    -role of husband and wife becoming similar
  • what caused symmetrical family?
    -changes in womens position-career
    -geographical mobility
    -technology make houswork easier
    -higher standard of living 5 day week opposed to 6/7
  • stratified diffusion

    -development of family has occured through a process of stratified diffusion
    -new ideas of family life start in higher social classes and gradually filtered down to lower class
  • gershuny support of Y+M
    women still retain primary responsibility for domestic labour but men are slowly taking more responsibility
  • pahl (1984) support of Y+M

    the more a woman was employed outside the home the more domestic work is shared
  • oakley critique of Y+M

    -dark side or marriage
    -methodological sloppiness- help is a subjective word
  • pahl (1993) support of Y+M
    -couples organising finance together as both breadwinners
  • brayfield critique of Y+M

    -women have greater responsibility than men in domestic tasks even if they work full time (dual burden/triple shift)
  • coltrane critique of Y+M
    men did less housework when children are borm
  • jones critique of Y+M
    -Y+M assumed childcare was a womens role so didnt ask questions about it-sexist, impositional bias
  • symmetrical
    sense of balance
  • Pahls 4 ways of organising money 

    -husband controlled pooling: both partners pool their cash together but husband controls the finance common in higher income familes
    -wife controlled pooling: both partners pool their cash together but wife controls the finance common in middle income family
    -husband controlled: husband is sole breadwinner pays wife a fixed sum for housekeeping/domestic labour
    -wife controlled: income from welfare state but wife responsible for bills
  • edgell financial decision making

    -men make major financial decisions: infrequent (5-10 years)
    -women make minor financial decisions frequent basis daily
  • conjugal roles
    the domestic division of labour
  • Breen and cooke 3 types of women
    -traditional women: traditional gender ideology takes on majority of domestic tasks even if their a breadwinner themself
    -transitional women: work full time when single but after marriage stay at home then return to part time employment when kids grown up
    -autonomous women: focused on career
  • breen & cooke 3 types of men
    -hardliners: rather divorce than domestic tasks and childcare
    -adjusters: prefers not to do domestic work, but does it to avoid breaking up family through divorce
    -cooperaters: small proportion of men who are willing to participate fully in unpaid domestic tasks
  • dysfunctions of the family- Vogel & Bell
    -argues family is dysfunctional
    -usa study of middle class families with emotionally disturbed children...found conflicts between parents was pushed onto children
    -kids are used as emotional scapegoats by parents to relieve stress kids were blamed for their personal issues
  • dysfunctions of the family- leach
    -nuclear family is isolated from other kin
    -no longer recieve support from extended family
    -nuclear family has to be more independant and inward looking for help
    -places more emotional stress on members
    -the family becomes overloaded with stress
  • dysfunctions of the family-R.D Laing
    -study of nuclear families with a schizophrenic child
    -kids get caught up in the middle of parental arguments tennis ball
    -high expectations from parents are pushed onto the kids ie school increase stress causes schizophrenia
  • dysfunctions of the family- cooper
    -family restricts individual freedom
    -too much pressure/tension on kids leads to them rebelling parents
    -explode like a jack in the box
  • dysfunctions of the family:dobash &dobash
    -interviews- female victims of domestic violence
    -hidden crime (crime statistics)
    -3 women + 2 children a week are killed in the home