divorce, demography and family diversity

Cards (26)

  • legal aid and advice act 1949
    -gave financial assistance with the cost of solicitors and court fees making divorce more accessible
  • the divorce law reform act 1969
    -divorce was messy in court and difficult
    -irretrievable breakdown was grounds for divorce with no need to prove guilty
  • 1857 matrimonal causes act
    -divorce could be obtained on grounds of matrimonal offence being committed
    -wives had to prove it whereas husband just had to state
  • 1937 act
    -divorce could be obtained on grounds of insanity,desertion and cruelty
    -still had to prove it
  • 1984/5 act

    time limit to divorce after seperation 2 to 1 year
  • the family law act-1996
    -made divorce a carefully considered and less confrontational process
    -3 key stages in divorce
    -1 produce legal statement explaining irretrievable breakdown
    -2 agree on financial agreements of affected parties
    -3 9 month reflection period thinking time 1 year has to pass before divorce is granted after
  • 2014 act

    same sex marriage and divorce legalised
  • explanation for increase in divorce-changes in law
    -equalising grounds 1923 women filing divorce
  • explanation for increase in divorce-declining stigma
    Mitchell & Goody- rapid decline in divorce since 1960s rapid decline in divorce as it becomes normalised so couples divorce instead of solving marital problems
  • explanation for increase in divorce- secularisation
    -church attendance is at an all time low
    -churches opposition to divorce carries less weight in society
  • explanation for increase in divorce- rising expectations of marriage
    -fletcher high expecations of marriage make couples less willing to tolerate an unhappy marriage
  • explanation for increase in divorce-changes in womens social position
    -Hart-marriage dissatifies women, 75% of divorce applications come from women
    -women enter marriage with high expectations, when expectations are not met they leave
  • explanation for increase in divorce rate-demographic changes
    -Anderson- in past marriage lasted a short time due to short life expectancy, living longer means we'll get bored of our partners
  • explanation for increase in divorce rate-teenage marriage
    -brides under 21 are twice as likely to divorce than brides over 21
    -shot-gun marriages
  • explanation for increase in divorce rate-individualisation
    -smart, divorce has become normalised
    -individual freedom in postmodern society
  • explanation for increase in divorce rate- feminist explanation
    -Hochschild, home compares unfavourably with work, both working means less energy to deal with household disputes
    -Rushton-mothers with triple shift, dual burden and emotional work more likely to divorce
  • explanation for increase in divorce rate- womens increased financial independence
    -Allan & Crowe- marriage is less embedded in economic system
    -smaller pay gap, more women in work
  • birth rate 

    the number of live births per thousand of the population per year
  • total fertility rate
    average number of children women will have during their fertile years
  • infant mortality rate
    number of infants who die before their first birthday per thousand babies born alive per year
  • death rate
    number of deaths per thousand of the population per year
  • immigration
    movement into a society
  • emigration
    movement out of a society
  • net migration
    the difference between the numbers of immigrants and emigrants
  • 5 types of family diversity- Rapoport&Rapoport
    -life course
  • chester- neo-conventional family
    -moved away from traditional conventional types of family
    -parents play both instrumental and expressive role
    -rise in singlehood+childfree
    -nuclear family remains dominant, just depends where you are in life we will all be part of nuclear family at some point in our life