Julius Caesar, Act 3-5

Cards (21)

  • What makes Cassius think that their plans have already been found out?
    Popilius told him 'good luck'.
  • What is so ironic about Popilius?
    Cassius thought Popilius knew about the plans to kill Caesar, but after the murder Popilius was confused.
  • Before going to the capitol, Brutus told his men to do what?
    To wash their hands in Caesar's blood.
  • Why does Antony feel bad for shaking hands with each conspirator?
    Because hes shaking hands with the men who killed his friend and he thinks that Caesar could be watching him do this.
  • In order to let Antony speak at the funeral, what does Brutus say he can and cannot do?
    Brutus tells Antony that he isn't allowed to talk about the murder or the conspirators. He can only talk about how great Caesar was.
  • Who said this line;
    "If I wanted to stir up your hearts and minds to rage, I would be doing Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong..."
  • Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius will soon form what?
    A triumphrante.
  • In Brutus' speech, he called Caesar what?
  • Part of Antony's speech talked about how Caesar wasn't ambitious like Brutus has mentioned. List three things Antony said.
    1. Caesar brought prisoners to Rome, and brought money to the Romans.
    2. When the poor weep, Caesar cries as well.
    3. Caesar declined the crown three times.
  • After all the speechs, the Romans want to do what?
    Burn all the conspirators belongings, and kill the conspirators.
  • If you disagree with Caesar's death, according to Brutus you are what? List three things.
    1. Not loyal to Rome.
    2. You want to be a slave.
    3. You don't want to be free.
  • Why do the men kill Cinna?
    They kill him because they think he's involved with the murder.
  • Metellus asks Caesar for a favor. What is his request?
    To let his brother be unbanished from Rome.
  • True/False; Caesar doesn't read Artimedorus' letter because then he would have to read everyone elses.
  • To explain the murder of Caesar; Cinna, Cassius, and Brutus tell the people..

    The tyranny is gone, let therre be liberty and freedom.
  • Because Brutus and Cassius killed Caesar, what do they think will happen next?
    They think they'll be remembered years from now as the men who gave Rome their liberty.
  • How does Antony use Caesar's dead body to turn the people against Brutus?
    He says that this once alive man was Brutus' best friend and Brutus stabbed him.
  • Who is Octavius?
    An heir to the throne.
  • Caesar falls dead at the base of Pompeys statue
  • Cassius is killed by pindarus
  • the war starts 2 years after caesars assassination