Radial Nerve

Cards (4)

  • Radial Nerve PT 2:
    1. Along the radial groove of the humerus (medial to lateral)
    2. Runs between the lateral and medial heads of the triceps
    3. It pierces intermuscular septum to enter the anterior compartment
    4. Divides into the superficial and deep branches anterior to the lateral epicondyle
    A) radial nerve
  • Radial Nerve PT 1:
    1. Arises from C5 - T1, the superior, middle and inferior trunks (posterior divisions) and the posterior cord
    2. Lies behind axillary artery in the axilla and passes anterior to subscapularis, latissimus dorsi and teres major tendons
    3. Enters the posterior aspect of the arm via the triangular space (formed by the humerus laterally, the long head of triceps medially and teres major superiorly)
    A) radial nerve
  • Radial Nerve - Motor supply:
    • Triceps
    • anconaeus
    • brachialis (lateral 1/3)
    • brachioradialis
    • supinator
    • muscles of the forearm
    A) radial nerve
  • Radial Nerve - Sensory supply:
    • Skin on back of arm and forearm (via posterior cutaneous nerve of arm, the lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm and posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm)
    • Articular branches to the elbow
    A) radial nerve