Cards (23)

  • what is the term ''art'' in latin word that means ''skill or craft''
  • it is a greek word related to the word art which means ''put together'' arkiskein
  • refers to the practice of arts in 1860s- 1960s
    Modern art
  • Arts made and produced by artist living today ?
    Contemporary Arts
  • Modern art refer to the practice of art in what year
  • ''Magpupukot'' painting was made by ?
    Carlos Francisco
  • what '' historical term'' refers to art before coming of the colonizers? Pre-Conquest
  • what is the greek term that means '' to prepre''
  • it is a expression of human emotion, creativity that shape and draws inspiration from the society?
  • What ''stylic term'' that emphasized the idea that our ancestor have been making art evenbefore the colonization? INDIGENOUS
  • what type of carving regarded as the ''granary god ''of ifugao? bul-ul
  • what art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature? Visual Arts
  • what art forms is creative activity that are performed in front of an audience? Performing arts
  • what art forms are writing or stories that have artistics and culturalvalue that displays the beuty o speech and langauge to convey certain meaning? Literary Arts
  • contemporaray art is ?________but open to many POSSIBILITIES? never fixed
  • it is made to exost in a certain or particular place? Site Specific
  • it is a ''secondary burial jar''where burried bones are placed it is a boat with two human figured.the jar that was dicovered in ''palawan'' Manunggul Jar
  • what is a traditional dance form of bagobo immitating the movements of predatory birds?  Man-manok
  • dance of ''ifugao'' used for ''courtship'' mimetic the movement of the ''fowl birds'' ?
  • dance of ''tiboli'' that represent the ''monkey'?
  • What is'' finger nail''dance forms for courtship?
  • what is dance of matigsalugs that represent ''movements of monkey? INAMONG
  • What is popular tagalog folk dance that represent ''CRANE''