High yield lesson 1

Cards (9)

  • It was derived from two Greek words:
    o Phlebos - vein
    o Temnein – to cut
    • Also called as Venesection
    o Venesection comes from the Latin words;
    Vena – vein
    Secto – cutting
  • The four humors, or fluid substances, of the body were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. This theory was closely related to the theory of the four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.
  • Cupping
    o alternative medicine
    o application of special heated suction cups on the
    patient's skin
    o incision using a fleam or lance
  • Leeching
    o known as Hirudotherapy
    o uses leeches for bloodletting
    o used for microsurgical replantation
    • For diagnosis and treatment using blood samples
    • For transfusion, to remove blood from the donor, and
    • For removal of blood for polycythemia or therapeutic
  • Venipuncture
    o Is the method of collection of blood through the vein
    using a needle
    • Capillary puncture
    o Blood is collected by puncturing the skin using a lancet
  • Ambulatory care –medical care given to patients requiring
    care of follow up checkups after their discharge from the
    Homebound care –done in a patient’s home or in a longterm facility
    Public health services –unit at the local level but are still
    under the jurisdiction of the health department of the
  • Hospital: With permanent inpatient beds•24-hour nursing
    o Managed by organized medical team
    o 2 major divisions:
    Clinical analysis area
    Anatomical and Surgical Pathology area
  • Clinical Pathology –focuses on the areas of:
    o Specimen: Blood or body fluid
    o Clinical Chemistry
    o Immunohematology
    o Medical Microbiology
    o Immunology and Serology
    o Hematology Coagulation
    o Clinical Microscopy
    Anatomic Pathology–focuses on:
    o Histopathology
    o Immunohistopathology
    o Cytology
    o Autopsy
    o Forensic pathology