How did Americans experience during the American Revolution impact the creation of the Articles of Confederation?
-They made the constitution way too far to the left, too democratic
Why did they write a new constitution in 1787?
-Needed to correct the articles, and strengthen the federal government.
What arguments were made for and against the new Constitution?
Federalists: Rich and poor can get into positions of power (but rich people are better) AOC weak, no nationalism, US was an international laughing stock, needed to fix that. Pure democracy is tyrannical
What arguments were made for and against the new Constitution?
Anti-feds: Government would abuse power, standing army is bad, only wealthy people would get voted in, can't tax but would still put import taxes
-For constitution like Madison
Anti Federalists
-against constitution
Hamilton’s Financial Plan
1)Funding at par- pay debts slowly with interest to get credibility
2) Assumption- state debt becomes collective national debt
3)Import Tariffs
4) Bank of US- Like england
5) Whole plan built of “loose construction”(do things outside what is written in the constitution)
Criticism of Hamilton’s Financial Plan
-Southern states criticize because they already paid their debts
Federalist Party
Republican Party
Alien and Sedition Act
-Deported french for undeclared war with the french (wanted to deport foreign people)
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
-opposed the alien and sedation acts (thought it extended the powers of the federal government)
-constitution was a agreement between states
-by TJ and Madison
What caused the War of 1812?
Westward expansion-> blamed british for hostile native groups
War hawks-> Republicans wanted to defend national honor by fighting the brits. Feds opposed because they were economically tied to brits.
British still seized and impressed american ships
How did the War of 1812 cause the growth of American nationalism?
Showed that the US needed a stronger government (republicans wanted this). Henry clay proposed American system
American system:
Tarrifs-> Make overseas goods more expensive
National Bank-> Make new one, old one expired. People liked banks and so did madison. Funds war easier
Infrastructure-> government funded projects
“War Hawks”-> Republicans who wanted to go to war
Battle of New Orleans→ 1815, decisive American win after the treaty of glent had been signed
Hartford Convention-> needed ⅔ vote to declare war/emit new states/ embargo
Era of Good Feelings→ New nationalistic feelings, proudly identifying as American,
Henry Clay-> republican who proposed american system
John Trumbull-> American artist who painted events in american rev
Noah Webster-> Made american dictionary. Believed america had it's own language
How did John Marshall (judge) reinforce the idea that the U.S. was one nation instead of a collection of states?
Strengthened fed gov
Big risks when appointing state legislatures power
States would be greedy and not supply resources during war
John Marshall
-Federalist form 1801-1835
Gibbons v. Ogden
Can the federal government regulate interstate commerce/transportation? (Steam ship licensing)
Answer: Yes they can
McCulloch v. Maryland
Can state tax federal gov (Taxed national bank to kill it)? Is the national bank constitutional?
Answer: Can't tax federal gov, feds could make bank
Dartmouth v. Woodward
Can New Hampshire take over a privately owned college (specifically Dartmouth) by abolishing/changing their charter?
Answer: No, a charter is considered a contract and states can not interfere (contract clause)
What examples of sectionalism were there after the War of 1812?
split after the missouri compromise
Southerners wanted slavery
Northerners didn’t
Split opinons
Tallmadge Amendment
-No more slaves into MO
-Kids of slaves are free in MO
Missouri Compromise
-Missouri admeded as slave state and maine as free to keep balance. Drew line that only slave states could be admitted under