our sense of reality. The smallest part of what goes into our mind.
When we bring thoughts to conscious awareness.
beyond our awareness and where most of our actions take place.
Freuds theory of personality, dream interpretation, and psychotherapy.
exists at birth, includes all the instincts and energy necessary for survival with the goal to immediately satisfy instinctual needs
The instinctual energy necessary for sex
the urge towards immediate gratification of impulses
the ego is reality based residing in both the conscious and the unconscious. It exists to take reality into consideration in satisfying primitive needs.
reality principle
a guiding principle in ways to satisfy to id's primitive needs while alsonegotiating reality.
morality principle
the internalized need to comply with parental and other authority
primarily at the unconscious level, its the moral sense of right and wrong or a persons conscious.
defense mechanisms
distort or transform an urge emanating from the unconscious to protect itself from anxiety produced by the competing forces of the id and superego.
reducing anxiety by blocking impulses or memories from consciousness
the ego seeks to reduce anxiety by reverting to an earlier period of psychological development.
when aggressive urges are shifted, or displaced, toward another figure. Like ranting to someone about someone else.
Anxiety-producing feelings are repressed and then projected onto another person
refusal of the ego to accept the reality of a situation so not to cause anxiety
defending against anxiety producing thoughts by transforming the unacceptable urge into its opposite.
changing something thats unacceptable into something acceptable
redirects unacceptable urges to something with social value.
erogenous zone
pleasurable parts of the body
Psychosexual stage
the id's urge for pleasure becomes associated with the body during this stage in development
oral stage
first 18 months of life. sexual pleasure through the mouth during feeding. fixation later in life would be overeating, smoking, over-depedence and sarcasm.
anal stage
ages 2 to 3, focusing on holding in or expelling feces. ego emerges with potty training and can result in obsession over neatness or messiness. or have a rebellious and hostile personality.
phallic stage
3 to 6, sexual focus shifts to genitalia and attraction to parent of opposite sex.
Oedipus Complex
young boys sexually long for their mother and feel fear and hostility towards the father.
Castration Anxiety
fear that the father will damage or remove the boys penis because of the boys attempts to seduce the mother.
a process by which someone takes on the characteristics of another and the boy represses the sexual feelings for the mother and takes on the male identifications of the father.
Electra Complex
a Womans sexual attraction to her father.
girls blame their lack of penis on the mother and don't develop a superego modeled after the father
latency stage
6 to puberty. the child focuses on intellectual and social development
genital stage
puberty to adulthood. normal sexual desires emerge and intimate relationships outside of the family form.
personal unconscious
contains all the repressed thoughts, memories, and emotions
collective unconscious
stores the shared sense of universal experiences common to all human beings
the evil or dark side of human nature
the masculine archetype in women
the feminine archetype in men
people become aware of their true selves through the process of assimilating the personal and collective unconscious into their conscious awareness.
the aspect of personality that a person presents to the world