Cards (39)

  • Lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is usually referred as excessive or disordered sexual desire.
  • Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it can be the inordinate, insatiable desire to accumulate money , power, and security
  • Sloth is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it refers to laziness, lack of energy, and unwillingness to work hard or to make an effort.
  • Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is characterized by a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
  • Wrath is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is defined as a strong vengeful anger or indignation that leads to violent behavior toward others.
  • Gluttony is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is characterized by habitual greed or excessive consumption of food, drink, or other substances.
  • Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
  • Chastity is the virtue of Lust
    Temperance is the virtue of Gluttony
    Charity is the virtue of Avarice
    industrious is the virtue of Sloth
    Kindness is the virtue of Envy
    Patience is the virtue of Wrath
    Humility is the virtue of Pride
  • Catholics believe that after we die and we have sins, we do not go to heaven immediately, we go to purgatory to cleanse ourselves.
  • Persona Christi means Person of Christ
  • Sin is a disobedience to God's Command.
  • Religion is for reconnecting or connecting to God, through sin the connection gets broken.
  • Original Sin is a sin that was created or done by Adam and Eve.
  • Mortal Sin is a Sin that is a grave sin that can lead to Damnation (eternal punishment to hell) if a person does not repent before death.
  • Venial Sin are small sins that does not break the connection to God.
  • There are three conditions for a sin to be mortal
    1. It must be of a grave matter
    2. You did it with full knowledge that it is a sin
    3. You did it with free will
  • The Unforgivable sin is the Sin Against God (People who believe in God but does not want God in their hearts.
  • The Sin of Commission is doing things that you should not do.
  • The Sin of Omission is something that you should do but you don't do.
  • What did Christ do as a Priest?• He offers Himself as sacrifice for our salvation• Offers Himself to the Father by dying on the cross• Perfect sacrifice that frees us
    1. Jesus saves us from...The spiritual root of all evil2. Cosmic demonic powers of evil3. Enslaving, oppressive forces in the economic and socio-political areas4. Absurdity and meaninglessness of personal life
  • Oppressive Powers of Economic and Socio-political areas• Exposed the enslaving, corrupting power of riches• Power not rooted in mutual service was enslaving and onpressive
  • Remember....• Salvation requires our free acceptance• It has to be accepted, embraced, and lived-out in our lives as believers of Christ
  • How are we saved?• We are saved by God's love for us• It is not only by suffering and dying on the cross that we are saved• It is because of Jesus great love to God and for us
  • Life's Meaningless• Made known to us our identity and purpose in life• Knowing the truth frees us from illusions and empty promises• Only God can fill the emptiness in us
  • What is called of us in following Jesus as the priest?• We are called to share in the one and only priesthood of Christ and follow His examples
  • His great Love...• manifested in His life, ministry, death, resurrection and sending the Holy Spirit• we realized that Jesus loves us so much by manifesting the events in His life
  • THE RISK OF JESUS' HEALING MINISTRY•He was accused of blasphemy because of His healing ministry.• Those who follow Jesus also follow the risk Jesus had undergone.
  • "YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"• For the Jewish people sickness has something to do with sinfulness, that is why Jesus said this.• These words of Jesus angered the scribes and pharisees or rabbis.• Jesus heals what is inside first (the root cause of sickness).
  • CAPERNAUM• It is where Jesus usually does His business of teaching and healing the sick.• But he was from Nazareth originally.• This is where he mostly did His ministry.
  • What does it mean to worship?•To give the glory and honor that belongs to God alone.•Is an exercise of the human spirit that is directed primarily to God
  • The word WORSHIP•Weorthship in Old English•Means 'worth-ship' or worthiness•The person prostrates himself as a sign of respect in recognition of the worthiness of others. The word WORSHIP•Proskuneo in Greek(This means prostrating oneself before a person followed by kissing of feet, the hem of his garment, the ground, etc.)
  • What does Jesus teach about worship?•The devil once tried to tempt Jesus into worship and serving Chim.•But Jesus said "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve"
    •They miss the fundamental essence of worship.
  • To worship in SpiritFirst, we need the spirit for no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of GodSecond, our attention must be centered on GodThird, our heart must be pure, sincere and contrition
  • What does Jesus teach about worship?•If you want to worship God you should also be ready to serve Him.What does Jesus teach about worship?•Jesus teaches us that worship is directly connected with service and God's commandment•Worship is an offered service, and service is a prayerful act of love
  • Worship in Truth To truly worship God, we must understand who He is and what He has done. We should have an idea of who we are worshipping.
  • Did Jesus worship the Father?•Yes! Jesus worshipped the Father •In John 4:22 Jesus mentioned "We worship" that includes Him Cas a worshipper of the Father
  • Worship in TruthThis means that worship is grounded on the truth about God and eventually oneself•An act of recognizing God as God, the Creator and Giver of life, and oneself as His own creation.
  • True worship in SpiritThis means we worship God with our whole self•It comes from the innermost of our bein•Characterized with awe, passion, appreciation, sincerity and honesty