
Cards (13)

  • The British War Cabinet met on 10 January 1919 to discuss matter of the Russian Civil War
  • 9 January 1919 - Churchill accepted PM David Lloyd George's offer of a role in War Office. His task was to demobilise and bring home 4 million men
  • Churchill was worried about a revolution after WW1 - happened in Russia . He was worried about strike activity and issues with trade unions -> railway, miners, transport workers
  • As secretary of state for war - used emergency powers to deploy British troops to prevent spread of revolution
  • White Army
    Represented a large group of allied forces - monarchists, capitalists, democratic socialists
  • Bolshevism
    Red Threat
  • Lord Beaverbrook strongly opposed the intervention in Russia
  • British public and armed forces were weary of war
  • The economy was in dire situation - high unemployment and simple produce was expensive
  • Lloyd George required peace in Russia to ensure trade
  • Sir Henry Wilson pointed out that there had been signs of unrest in the army and being sent to Russia was unpopular. Marshal Foch said it was urgent
  • Churchill supported Foch
  • Wilson was Churchill's senior adviser on military affairs but frequently disagreed