Haloalkanes are a homologous series of organic compounds that contain a halogen
Like alcohols they are classified by the number of alkyl groups bonded directly to the halogen bearing carbon.
Primary - no or 1 alkyl group
Secondary - 2 alkyl groups
Tertiary - 3 alkyl groups
In the presence of sunlight, alkanes react with halogens. High energy UV radiation present in sunlight provides the initial energy for a reaction to take place.
Reactivity of haloalkanes:
Halogen atoms are more electronegative than carbon atoms. The carbon- halogen bond is polar
In haloalkanes , the carbon atom has a slightly positive charge & can attack species containing a lone pair of electrons
Species that donate a lone pair of electrons are known as nucleophiles
Nucleophile —> An atom or group of atoms that is attracted to an electron deficient carbon atom, where it donates a pair to form a new covalent bond
Nucleophiles include:
Hydroxide ions, :OH-
Water molecules, H2O:
Ammonia molecules, :NH3
Hydrolysis reactions involve the splitting of molecules with water to form new molecules
It is a substitution reaction (atom / group replaced by another atom/ group) where a halogen is replaced by a hydroxyl.
Rate of hydrolysis:
The rate of hydrolysis depends on the enthalpies as lower enthalpy will give a higher rate of hydrolysis;
Faster down group as weaker attraction with carbon
More alkyl groups present weakens the C-X bond
The nucleophile, OH- approaches the carbon atom attached to the halogen on the opposite side of the molecule from the halogen atom
This direction of attack by the OH- ion minimises repulsion between the nucleophile and the delta negative halogen atom
A lone pair of electrons on the hydroxide ion attracted & donated to the delta positive carbon atom
A new bond is formed between the oxygen atom of the hydroxide ion and the carbon atom
The carbon- halogen bond breaks by heterolytic fission
The new organic product is an alcohol. A halide ion is also formed
Iodoalkanes react faster than bromoalkanes
Bromoalkanes react faster than chloroalkanes
Fluoroalkanes are unreactive as a large quantity of energy is required to break the C-F bond
1-chlorobutane reacts slowest & the C-Cl bond is the strongest
1-iodobutane reacts fastest & the C-I bond I the weakest
Rate of hydrolysis increases as the strength of the carbon- halogen bond decreases
Nucleophile —> an electron donator
Nucleophilic substitution:
Due to the electronegativity of halogens the C-X bond is polar.As the electrons in the C-X bond are attracted to the halogen this laves the carbon atom with a positive dipole.The carbon is referred to as an electron deficient centre
The nucleophile attacks the electron deficient carbon by donating a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond
The formation of the bond with the electron-deficient carbon causes the electron pair in the C-X bond to transfer to the halogen, breaking the bond
The heterolytic fission of the C-X bond generates a halide ion
Organohalogen compounds are also used in many pesticides. Rarely found in nature. Not broken down naturally in the environment
Ozone formation:
Ozone is constantly being formed and destroyed in an equilibrium high in the stratosphere due to UV radiation
As UV radiation is absorbed to split O2, the ozone layer in the stratosphere lowers the amount of UV reaching the surface.
However tropospheric ozone is linked to respiratory problems
Ozone depletion - chlorine:
Chlorine containing compounds undergo homolytic fission under UV light to form chlorine radicals which attack O3
Initiation —> Homolytic fission of the C-Cl bond
Propagation —> Chlorine radicals break down ozone
Ozon depletion -chlorine:
Overall the reaction can be summarised as O3 + O. —>2O2.
The chlorine radicals are acting as a catalyst so can be omitted
The oxygen radical in the second step of the propagation reaction is from the splitting of the O2 by UV
The reaction terminates once the radicals react together
Ozone depletion - nitrogen oxide:
Under high temperatures and pressures experienced in an engine, N2 and O2 will react to form nitrogen oxides
As nitrogen (II) oxide is a radical (NO.) so can take part in the propagation reactions to break down O3.
CFCs are very stable due to the strength of the carbon-halogen bonds within their molecules
CFCs remain stable until they reach the stratosphere, where they begin to break down, forming chlorine radicals that catalyse the breakdown of the ozone layer
In the stratosphere, UV radiation breaks a carbon-halogen bond in CFCs by homolytic fission to form radicals, with the C-Cl bond having the lowest bond enthalpy and being the bond that breaks