
Cards (11)

  • What themes and context relate to George?
    • Everyman struggle --> Example of failed American Dream.
    • Companionship/loneliness --> Golden California migrant.
  • What does he say to express regret over Lennie in Chp 1?
    " I could take my fifty bucks... I could stay in a cat house... I could eat any place I want..."
  • Provide quotes showing George defending Lennie in chapter 3.
    "He's dumb as hell, but he ain't crazy."
  • What does he say when talking to Slim in Chapter 3 about loneliness?

    "I ain't got no people. ... After a long time, they get mean."
  • What does George say to Candy after finding Curley's wife's body in chapter 5?
    " I think I know'd we'd never do her."
    "I'll work my month an' I'll take my fifty bucks.. an' work another month"
  • What does George say/do while with Lennie alone in chapter 3?
    "We'd jus' live there. We'd belong there."
    " George sat entranced with his own picture."
  • How does George describe his and Lennie's dream in chapter 1?
    "They got no family. They don't belong no place ... We got a future. We got someone to talk to"
    "He repeated his words rhythmically"
  • What does George say to Lennie in chapter 6 before shooting him?
    "Look acrost the river... so you can almost see it."
  • How is George described as?
    " small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features"
  • How is George seen falling victim to temptations that hurt him financially?

     "I seen guys nearly crazy with loneliness for land, but ever' time a whorehouse or a blackjack game took what it takes.
    " In town in a house. That's where your money's going."
  • How does George explain his relationship with Lennie before?

    "Made me seem so goddam smart alongside of him"