the trinity includes three 'people' the father, the holy spirit and the son
Eschatology is the teachings of life after death ("whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16)
there are five parts to Eschatology Resurrection, judgement, heaven, hell and purgatory
Resurrection - believers will be raised like Jesus
judgement - people judged according to actions
heaven - eternal paradise
hell - separation and punishment
purgatory - where the soul is made ' clean ' for heaven
Genesis 2:4–3 - Development of humans
Genesis 1:1–2:3: Six days of creation
John 1: The Word (Jesus Christ)
Jesus is fully man and god
the incarnation shows that what God is like, he loves the world, we can have a relationship with him, he understands and identifies with suffering
Atonement: God
and humans are
now 'at one'
Salvation, shown by (Jesus' death and resurrection
saves the world from death)
the problem of evil - there are three types of evil : moral evil, evil and natural evil
Evil: Causes grief, pain and damage
Natural evil: Caused by nature
Moral evil: Deliberate actions by people
biblical solutions include job and the Psalms
Job is an example of someone who suffers but remains faithful to God.
Psalms: songs/poetry that
express the reality of suffering
practical responses/solutions - to imitate Christ and
respond to suffering, Developing compassion, Charity involvement,
theoretical solutions include - the fall, free will + resulting the curse, forming good characteristics
The Fall: Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis). This resulted in them being banished from Eden and all humans inheriting sinful nature.
Free Will: Humans have the freedom to choose their own path in life, which can lead to both good and bad consequences.
Curse: As punishment for eating from the Tree of Knowledge, God cursed humanity with pain, hardship, and death (Genesis).
the last supper + betrayal (judus) - bread and wine, preparing disciples for future
Jesus' arrest + trial - Judas kiss, jesus found guilty, Pontius Pilate sentences Jesus to death
the Crucifixion - jesus nailed to wooden cross (left to die), good friday, Jesus prays to God
Jesus' resurrection - jesus raised, three women find empty tomb, earlier sunday
Jesus' ascension - taken to heaven, in future disciples not to be alone, holy spirit will assist them