living the christian life

Cards (38)

  • PILGRIMAGE - A special journey to a place of religious significance. E.g. Jerusalem
  • reasons for pilgrimage - closer to God, seek healing for sickness, religious experience, pray/meditate
  • Different views :
    • Very important in the
    Catholic Church - positive
    • Some Protestant churches
    do not place as much
    emphasis on it - negative
  • CHRISTIAN CELEBRATIONS - Celebrate and give thanks for important events in the Christian faith
  • some christian celebrations include Easter, Christmas, Advent, Holy week
  • Easter - Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus (Mary Magdalene found Jesus’ tomb empty)
  • Holy Week - The week just before Easter, remembering Jesus’ final days and death
  • Advent - Time of preparation for Christmas, Start of the Christian year
  • Christmas - Celebrates the birth of Jesus, God ‘incarnate’
  • THE FUTURE OF THE CHURCH - (facts) 2.4 billion Christians in the world today, Pentecostalism is one of the fastest growing denominations, Some decline in church attendance in the UK for certain denominations
  • Evangelism - Preaching the Christian faith in order to invite those of other faiths or none to convert to Christianity
  • Mission - spread the Christian faith, missionaries sent all over world to preach gospel, care for people’s needs
  • different practices - everday conversations, speaking at events, Alpha courses, Using music and drama, Using TV, radio, social media and the internet (the future of the church)
  • types of prayer -
    Set prayers
    Read/sung from text
    Informal prayer
    Spontaneous prayer
    Private prayer/in private setting, e.g. a Christian’s own home
  • purposes of prayer - thanksgiving, worship, Supplication, Contrition, Intercession
  • Ecumenism - Creating unity and friendship between different denominations e.g (for) Greater tolerance, Less conflict and discrimination
  • Parish – a community of local believers
  • How it helps the individual believer:
    Unity and friendship
    Support for the unwell, elderly
    and needy (outreach)
    Training, support and advice
  • Liturgical worship - Set form of worship. Follows a service book.
  • Non-liturgical worship - Worship without set words. Informal style.
  • Individual workship - Usually in a person’s own home
  • for un-liturgical - I can express myself freely, can be flexible and see
    where God leads, the varied nature of services
  • for liturgical - feel secure following a set pattern, know how long it will take, The words are authorised by my church
  • individual worship includes prayer, meditation, singing, bible reading
  • THE SACRAMENTS - Important Christian ceremonies, recognised by the Church as having been established by Jesus
  • the sacraments include baptism, confirmation, marriage, eucharist, anointing of the sick, reconciliation, taking holy orders
  • Taking holy orders - Becoming a deacon, priest or bishop
  • Reconciliation - Confession, asking forgiveness for wrong-doing
  • Anointing the sick - Oil is placed on the head of a sick person Prayers for healing are said
  • Baptism - Welcomes a person into the Christian community
  • Confirmation - When a person freely chooses to conclude the process of baptism, and becomes a full member of the Church
  • Eucharist- Re-enactment of the final meal Jesus shared with his disciples
  • Marriage - Legal union of a man and woman before God
  • THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH - Encourages peace and harmony between
    individuals and countries, representing Jesus on earth
  • Charity - Christians have a duty to help those in need
  • Reconciliation - The Church works for reconciliation – mending broken relationships
  • CHRISTIAN AID - official relief + development agency, donated to by Christians + others, Works with local organisations around the world where need is greatest, giving immediate and long-term aid
  • The persecuted Church - ill-treatment of Christians globally because
    of their faith, Rarely reported (in West),Victims supported by charities + worldwide Church