the fiver pillars - shahadah, salah, sawm, zakah, hajj
Shahadah - deceleration of faith
"And I bear witness that Ali is the friend of God."
salah - five daily prayers in the home or mosque, facing makkah, Ablution (washing), Standing, bowing, prostrating and kneeling, Jummah prayer on Friday
sawm - fasting during month of Ramadan, purpose is to get closer to Allah, associate with the poor, learn self-restraint, bond with the community.
during sawm no food or drink from dawn until sunset, some people not required to fast e.g pregnant
zakah - 'purification'of wealth, 2.5% of wealth given at end of lunar year, given by mosques to worthy causes, form of worship
Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest place on earth, completed once in a lifetime, shows unity and equality, fresh start before Allah, being devoted to muslim life
Jihad - Struggle/striving in the way of Allah
Muhammad performed greater and lesser Jihad
Greater Jihad - striving against evil within oneself, becoming better person + doing good deeds, the soul, the tongue, the pen
Lesser Jihad - Striving against evil in the world – through physical or military means
Id-ul-Adha - at the end of Hajj, festival of sacrifice, Muslims seek to show the same level of devotion to Allah
Id-ul-Fitr - at the end Ramadan, Gratitude to Allah
for being able to fast for the month, financial gifts given to the poor
New clothes - "Id Mubarak"
Id-ul-Ghadeer - Ali's leadership declared by Muhammad, Shi'a Muslims observe a fast on this happy day, 'The greatest Id', A speech and gathering at the mosque, Ghadeer – pond
Ashura - Anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (grandson of the Prophet), Hussain was murdered for his faithfulness to the teachings Karbala (Iraq) pilgrimage, Wearing black
Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi'a tradition - salah, sawm, hajj, zakah, khums, jihad, Amr bil ma'roof, Nahi anil munkar, Tawalla, Tabarra