
Cards (136)

  • The reticular formation extends from the lower end of the medulla to the upper end of the mesencephalon
  • Occupies central parts and fills territories not occupied by cranial nerve nuclei and other distinct nuclei and large fiber tracts
  • Raphe nuclei (serotonin) and locus coeruleus (norepinephrine) are often included in the reticular formation
  • Neurons in the reticular formation have wide dendritic arborizations and long axons with numerous collaterals
  • Efferent connections reach most parts of the central nervous system (CNS) from the cord to the cerebral cortex
  • Afferents bring all kinds of sensory information
  • The reticular formation is built for integration and attends primarily to tasks involving the nervous system and the organism as a whole
  • Subdivisions of the reticular formation form premotor networks that organize behaviors such as control of body posture, orientation of the head and body, eye movements, and coordination of visceral organs
  • Parts of the reticular formation send ascending connections to the thalamus and cerebral cortex, forming the activating system of the brain stem
  • The activating system is a prerequisite for consciousness and is closely linked to control of awareness and attention
  • Parts of the reticular formation, especially in the upper pons and mesencephalon, are concerned with regulation of sleep
  • Structure and Subdivisions
  • Reticular formation consists of several subdivisions with cells differing in shape, size, and arrangement
  • Medial part is afferent and lateral part is efferent
  • Medial part consists of large cells, lateral part contains small cells
  • Medial part sends out many long, ascending and descending fibers, while the lateral part receives most afferents
  • Reticular neurons have long, straight dendrites covering a large volume of tissue
  • Reticular formation is organized with long ascending and descending efferent fibers giving off numerous collaterals
  • Raphe nuclei and locus coeruleus are often considered part of the reticular formation
  • Raphe nuclei contain mainly serotonergic neurons, locus coeruleus neurons contain norepinephrine
  • Raphe nuclei and locus coeruleus send fibers directly to the cerebral cortex without synaptic interruption in the thalamus
  • The Raphe Nuclei and the Locus Coeruleus: Common Features
  • Raphe nuclei together form a narrow, sagittally oriented plate of neurons in the midline of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon
  • Locus coeruleus is a small group of about 15,000 strongly pigmented neurons located under the floor of the fourth ventricle
  • Raphe nuclei and locus coeruleus contain only a small number of neurons, but their axons have widespread ramifications reaching all parts of the brain and spinal cord
  • Raphe nuclei and locus coeruleus are active during wakefulness and less active during sleep
  • Raphe nuclei send efferents to the spinal cord, while rostral nuclei send fibers upstream
  • Raphe nuclei contain neuropeptides such as substance P and thyrotropin-releasing hormone
  • Raphe nuclei send fibers ending in close relation to ependymal cells, contributing to the regulation of transport processes through the ependyma
  • The locus coeruleus contains few neurons but its efferent fibers reach virtually all parts of the central nervous system
  • The locus coeruleus sends direct fibers to the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, raphe nuclei, spinal cord, cerebellum, striatum, amygdala, hippocampus, frontal lobe, thalamus, septal nuclei, and PAG
  • The raphe nuclei send fibers rostrally to the thalamus, cortex, and other cell groups, while caudal nuclei project to the spinal cord
  • The raphe nuclei supply large parts of the central nervous system with serotonergic fibers
  • The locus coeruleus has dense norepinephric innervation of the reticular formation and motor nuclei
  • The locus coeruleus receives direct connections from the cingulate gyrus and the orbitofrontal cortex
  • Neurons in the locus coeruleus respond preferentially to novel, "exciting" sensory stimuli
  • Norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus is believed to play a role in mediating arousal and shifts of behavior
  • The locus coeruleus may increase arousal and attention in response to salient sensory information
  • The reticular formation sends fibers to the thalamus, spinal cord, brain stem nuclei, and cerebellum
  • The reticular formation forms premotor networks that control and coordinate eye muscle nuclei, rhythmic movements, and reflexes like coughing and vomiting