Cards (3)

  • Area studies is a multidisciplinary discipline that holistically studies the geographic, cultural, and historical aspects of a certain local or international “area” or region
  • By “area”, it does not just mean geographic alone but also cultural and historical. Take an example from the Philippines. Geographically, you can study the Philippines through the lens of Southeast Asia; historically, you can do that as well. But culturally speaking, you can understand the Philippine society by grouping them with the “Pacific Islanders”, hence the question: “Is the Philippines a part of Asia or Oceania?” and “Is the Philippines a part of Asia or Latin America?”
  • The main goal of Area Studies is to “de-parochialize” or “decentralize” the West/centers in the narrative by highlighting the marginalized local or international regions. These regions may include Mindanao, Southeast Asia, East Asia, etc.