Abnormal behaviour is attributed to witchcraft, possession or karma for a wrongdoing. Treatment includes trefiningsayingprayers and exorcism
Explain the humoral theory - Greek for mental health
Hippocrates suggested mental illness comes from the balance of 4 bodily fluids. Blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. An excess of black bile can lead to depression. Treatment includes blood letting and laxatives
Explain the psychogenic approach to mental health
Focus shifted towards psychological factors.Freud suggested that mental illness was the result of unconscious processes. treatment includes psychoanalysis.
What is psychoanalysis
Study of the unconscious mind. Dream analysis. Free association and hypnotherapy
What is the somatogenic approach
Mental illness can be explained in terms of abnormal brain structure or neurotranmitters. treatment includes ECT or drugs
What are the three ways of defining abnormality
Statisticalinfrequency-deviationofsocial norms - failure to function adequately
What is statistical infrequency
Behaviour is normally distributed, those with behaviour that deviates from the mean are seen as abnormal.
What is deviation from social norms
Accepted rules that society follows. when people don’tfollow these rules they are deemed as abnormal. An example being antisocial personality disorder. impulsive and aggressive
what is failure to function adequately
Failure to experience a normal range of emotions. unable to cope with life.
What did Rosenhan and seligman say about failure to function adequately
The concept of dysfunction could include personal distress, maladaptive behaviour and irrational behaviour
How do we categorise mental health
When was the DSM first created
After WW2 for soldiers experiencing PTSD.
What are the three sections of the DSM
Section one - process of revising the dsm and how to use it
section two - includes 20 categories listed in lifespan order with a scale of severity
section three - disorders that aren’t fully researched yet.
What is meant by validity of diagnosis
Psychiatrists can get the diagnosis wrong making it invalid
What is one threat towards validity of diagnosis
Symptom overlap
What is meant by reliability of diagnosis
Extent to which psychiatrists can agree on the diagnosis
What is one threat to the reliability of a diagnosis
Cultural differences - most psychiatrists are white and male so stereo typing could occur
What is research evidence for cultural differences in diagnosis
Copeland gave 134 US and 194 UK psychiatrists a description of a patient. 69% of US gave schizophrenia but only 2% of UK did
What is a consequence of labelling
What was the aim of rosenhans first study
To investigate whether a group of sane people pretending to have a disorder will receive a diagnosis
What was the sample of R study 1
Genuine staff and patients at 12 hospitals in 5 states. He also had 8 people use pseudonames to pretend to be insane
Outline the procedure of study 1
The 8 pseudopatients called and booked appointment where they claimed they could hear the words ‘thudempty and hollow’ when admitted they claimed they didn’t have symptoms anymore. Used a covert observation to gather info on what it’s like to be a patient. selfreport method was used when they asked a member of staff one question
What were three findings of rosenhan study one
All participants were admitted and remained for 7-52 days.
7/8 were diagnosed as schizophrenic and were given schizophrenia in remission on exit. 2100 pills were given showing they weren’t suspected
What was the aim of study 2
To see if psychiatrists would be undercautious after hearing about study one
What was the sample of study 2
Staff in one psychiatric hospital were told about study one
What was the procedure of study 2
Staff were informed about study 2 and that in the next 3 months at least three pseudopatients would try get admitted. this was a lie. All staff were asked to use a rating scale 1-10. 1 is the high confidence they are a fake
Findings of study 2
over 3 months 193 were admitted
41 were thought to be a fake
What was aim of study 3
To see if staff behaved differently towards patients and unistudents
Procedure of study 3
Pseudo patients approached a member of staff and asked “when will I next be presented”. fake students asked a member of staff for directions
Findings of study 3
All students received an answer
45% of patients received an answer
Conclusions of rosenhan
All but one were given schizophrenia suggesting it was reliable
rosenhan considered the results of his study terrifying
What is an example of an affective disorder
Major depression
What are the characteristics of an affective disorder
Mood disorders that affect emotion. to be diagnosed with major depression 7 or more symptoms need to be present for at least two weeks. Low mood, loss of interest and changes in appetite
What are the characteristics of an anxiety disorder
(Phobias) give feelings of fear. Increased heart rate of stomach issues. symptoms need to be present for 6 months
Give characteristics of a psychotic disorder
(Schizophrenia) leads to positive and negative symptoms. Hallucinations and avolition. Must be present for at least a month