Families and households

Cards (133)

  • Extended family includes relatives beyond the nuclear family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
  • What is the term for when women are the homemaker which involves cooking, cleaning and childcare?
    Expressive role
  • What is the term for when men are breadwinners and earn the income for the family?
    Instrumental role
  • Who said that "men and women are biologically suited to their roles that are functional for society"?
  • Who said that "segregated conjugal roles mean that couples spend leisure time apart and that joint conjugal roles mean that couples share the labour and leisure time"?
  • Who said that "there are now more symmetrical families as a result of increased joint conjugal roles"?
    Willmott and Young
  • What view states that the new man means couples have an equal share of housework and childcare?
    The march of progress view
  • What is the term for when woman do paid work and domestic work?
    Dual burden
  • What is the term where woman do paid work, domestic work and emotional work?
    Triple shift
  • Who proposed the term dual burden?
    Feri and Smith
  • Who proposed the term Triple shift?
    Duncombe and Marsden
  • What is the term for when men have more power in decision making because they earn more?
    Material explanation
  • What is the term for when gender role socialisation instils the view that men are primary decision makers?
    Cultural explanation
  • Who said that "marriage and the nuclear family is the key institution of patriarchy and the main source of women's oppression and that domestic violence is inevitable because it serves to preserve the power men have over women"?

    Dobash and Dobash
  • Who said that "domestic violence is the product of capitalism:male workers are exploited at work and take their frustration out on their wives"?
  • Who said that "Domestic violence is the result of stress on the family caused by social inequality"?
  • Who said that " in the middle ages, childhood did not exist. Children had the same responsibilities, rights and skills as adults- in turn they were considered economic assets. However, as modern notion of childhood began to emerge, there became profound distinction between children and adults and in terms of clothing, rights and responsibilities"?
  • "In modern society childhood is disappearing. Children and adults have some of the same rights...and are committing adult crimes.T.v blurs the distinction as adults used to keep adult matters private by being able to read where as t.v does not require special skill to access information. "
  • "In the middle ages, the high death rate of children implied neglect and indifference. For example, parents referred to their child as it or gave the child a name of a recently dead sibling"
  • Who proposed the idea of toxic childhood?
    Sue Palmer
  • What is toxic childhood?
    Where rapid technological changes in recent years have damaged children's physical, emotional and intellectual development.
  • Who talked about age patriarchy?
  • What is age patriarchy?

    Where adults dominate over children because of their age
  • Reasons why deaths decreased
    Improved nutrition (mckeown) medical improvements e.g. Vaccines. Smoking and diet (harper) public health measures e.g. Healthy eating,building supplies etc. Social changes (e.g. Leeds dangerous jobs,health and safety regulations)
  • Births
    Changes in women's position (harper main reason) decline in imr (15% in 1900) economic liability. Child centerdness .
  • What is affected due to changes in fertility rate?
    Public services, dependency ratio, workplace, family size
  • Migration
    Migrants tend to be working age(lowers dependency ratio,increase tfr).some countries may have larger families. Average age of UK passport holder was 41 in 2011 compared to non UK which was 31.
  • Hunt
    Can choose out lifestyle not based on age
  • Hirschi
    How do we finance a longer old age? Working longer or higher taxes
  • Hoschchild
    Care work and domestic work increasingly done by poorer women migrants
  • Finch and mason
    90% of people had given or received financial help and half had cared for a sick relative -more expected of females
  • What percentage of children born out of marriage
  • Average age of first child
  • Murdock (1949)

    Argue that the family is universal in a nuclear family with a heterosexual couple and dependent children.
    There is a clear division of labour between husband and wife - the husband is the breadwinner who earns for the family and the wife is the housewife who does domestic labour and childcare.
    He argue that there are 4 essential functions that the family performs.
  • Reproductive function
    Essential for the survival of society and without reproduction, it would cease to exist
  • Sexual function
    This creates a powerful emotional bond between husband and wife which encourage fidelity and commitment to family life. It contributes to stability within the family as it sets out the moral rules.
  • Economic function
    provide economic things which are vital for sustaining children lives for example, shelter, food and protection.
    Parents take responsibility for their welfare by bringing home an income,
  • Educational function

    this is done through primary socialization which is necessary to fit into society. This is by learning norms and values. Culture can be passed from generation to generation.
  • Criticisms of Murdock
    - the definition of family is a 'product of time' and is ethnocentric (based on view on Western families).
    - Interprevists argue that he is value-laden where he fails to acknowledge that families are the 'product of culture'.
    - also very dated and fails to take account of moderns social processes.
    - largely correct that the family are the fundamental building blocks of society and most sees it as the most important aspect.
  • Parsons (1955) 'Irreducible Functions' theory

    Argue that in the past, the family was a 'multi-functional' unit where it was the 'jack of all trades'. Now, there are only two 'irreducible functions that the family performs: the primary socialization of children and the stablisation of adult personalities.