Each functional task has its own orientation and stability requirements (i.e. standing on your feet or your head!!)
Postural control involves adjusting the head and body position in space for the dual purpose of stability and orientation during functional activity
Postural Control - Complex & dynamic interaction of multiple systems:
Sensory (perceptual) systems:
Vestibular (inner ear)
Postural Control - Complex & dynamic interaction of multiple systems:
Cognitive systems e.g.
Self confidence
Postural Control - Complex & dynamic interaction of multiple systems:
Motor (physical systems) e.g.
Postural alignment and muscle activity – control of CoG & BoS
Strength, flexibility
In summary:
Our sensory system picks up challenges to our balance
Our physical system responds to those challenges to help keep us upright and function
Our cognitive system can affect our responses
Postural control = complex motor skill that can be trained
Stability demands differ:
Steady state balance: i.e. standing talking to a friend (control of CoG relative to BoS is under quiet conditions)
Reactive balance: i.e. bumped into on busy street (external perturbation) & use not to fall over!
Proactive (anticipatory) balance: automatic postural control prior to a potentially destabilising movement (an internal perturbation) to avoid instability i.e. lifting a suitcase (you expect to be heavy)
Dynamic balance: the ability to lose and regain your balance i.e. transfer the vertical projection of the CoG within the BOS
Function integrates all
Postural Control - Complex & dynamic interaction of multiple systems: