BattleofStalingrad-Stalingrad was the largest industrial city in the SovietUnion and it was highly protected. it made the majority of weapons & supplies. Germans knew if they controlled it, they could defeat the soviet Union.
1.1million Soviet soldiers died. 230K Germans died
TheBattleoftheBulge: in BastogneBelgium and Germanys last offensive action. they were successful early on but, the allies replaced their soldiers and the German forces woredown. Germany was forced to retreat. It was only a matter of time before the allies reached Berlin
Doolittle'sRaid: LT JamesDoolittle (airforceleader) led 16bombers and a raid over Tokyo,Japan. The US did some considerable damage but didnt lose a plane. Most important part of the attacks: it liftedourspirits
TheBattleoftheCoralSea: between the US airforce + the Japanese airforce. 5day battle that was considered even. The US claimed victory because we stopped the Japaneseadvance on Australia.
BattleofMidways: at MidwayislandNorthwest of Hawaii) Japan thought they must take the island to have victory in the Pacific. The US controlled the island but we knew the attack was coming. The US had an advantage because our intelligence was able to break the Japanesecode that told us when + where the attack would take place. this allowed the US to easily defeat Japan.
TheBattleofLeyteGulfs: in the Phillipines where MacArthur returned. the 1st time our soldiers were exposed to the kamikaze missions by Japan (suicidemissions)
424Japanese pilots lost their lives on the missions.
TheBattleofOkanawa: 300 miles from Japan. the battle was very fierce. it was the last island allies would have to take before Japan. We lost 7600 men but we won the battle.