A contingency table is used to show the classification of entities based on two criteria, with rows representing levels of one criterion and columns representing levels of the second criterion
To calculate the test statistic, expected frequencies are obtained by multiplying the total of the row by the total of the column and dividing by the grand total
The conclusion from the study is that there is an association between the preconception use of folic acid and race, indicating that the two variables are dependent
Researchers examined beliefs held by adolescents regarding smoking and weight, categorizing weight perception into underweight, overweight, or appropriate and smoking status into Yes or No
The t-test is a parametric method usually used for testing hypotheses about the mean of a small sample drawn from a normally distributed population when the population variance is unknown
The shape of the t-distribution depends on a value called 'degree of freedom', defined as the number of independent observations in the sample minus 1 (n-1)
In a study involving weight change after an exercise regime for 10 adults, the paired sample t-test was used to determine if the exercise regime resulted in a significant change in weight at the 5% level of significance
Population: the largest collection of values of a random variable for which we have an interest at a particular time
Target population: the population from which a representative sample is desired
Sample: a representative part of a population chosen by probability or non-probability sampling designs
Confidence interval: displays the probability that a parameter will fall between a pair of values around the mean, measuring uncertainty or certainty in a sampling method
Sample size determination using Taro Yamane formula:
n is the minimum sample size required
N is the total population
e is the sampling error
Sample size calculation: N = 178, e = 0.05, yielding a sample size of 123. An additional 10% was added to account for non-response, making the final sample size 135
Questionnaires are an effective means of measuring behavior, attitudes, preferences, opinions, and intentions of large numbers of subjects more cheaply and quickly than other methods