The nervous system allows the body to reacttoitssurroundings and coordinateanappropriateresponse.
Stimulus is converted into an electricalimpulse by the receptors
The electrical impulse passes along sensoryneurones to the centralnervoussystem
The CNS coordinates an appropriate response and an electricalimpulse is sent along motorneurones to the effector, which carries out the response
A reflex action is an automatic and rapidresponse which does not involve any conciousinput from the brain
Reflex actions aidsurvival by preventingharm to the body
Reflex Arc:
the stimulus is detected by a receptor
An electricalimpulse passes along a sensoryneurone to the spinalcord (CNS)
At a synapse between a sensoryneurone and relayneurone, a chemicaldiffuses across the gap and stimulates a new impulse which passes along the relayneurone
The same occurs at a synapse between a relayneurone and a motorneurone
appropriate response carried out at effector
In a reflex pathway the coordination centre is a relayneurone found in the spinalcord.
In a conscious pathway the coordination centre is the conscious part of the brain.
The cerebral cortex controls consciousness, memory, intelligence, and memory
The cerebellum controls muscularcoordination
The medulla controls unconsciousactivities
Treatment of the brain is difficult:
The brain is a complex and delicate organ
The brain is easily damaged and destroyed
Certain membranes prevent drugs from entering the brain
The exactfunction of each part of the brain is notknown
Methods scientist use to determine brain function:
Studying patients with braindamage
Electricalstimulation of the brain
Eye receptors are sensitive to lightintensity and colour
Structures in the eye work together to focusonobjects and adapttochanginglightconditions
The retina is a lightsensitivelayer found at the back of the eye. Light stimulates the retinalcells, resulting in impulses being sent to the brain.
The optic nerve connects the eye and the brain. It carries impulses to the brain so that an image can be visualised.
The sclera is the toughouterlayer of the eye which protects its internalstructures
The cornea is the curvedtransparentlayer at the front of the eye. It lets light into the eye and allows light to be focusedontheretina.
The iris is a muscle which controls the sizeofthepupil by contracting or relaxing. This allows the eye to adjust to bright and dimlighting.
The ciliary muscles and suspensoryligaments hold the lens in place and control its shape
Bright light: circular muscles contract and radial muscles relax - makes pupil smaller to avoid retinal damage
Dim light: circular muscles relax and radial muscles contract - makes pupil larger so more light can enter the eye
Accommodation is the alteration of the lens' shape in order to focus on near or distant objects.
Myopia occurs when the lens of the eye is too curved. Light is focused in front of the retina so images appear blurry
Myopia can be treated with concave lens glasses, which spreadsoutthelightrayssotheycanbefocusedontheretina
Hyperopia = long - sightedness
Hyperopia occurs when the lens of the eye is too flat, light is focused behind the retina so things appear outoffocus
Hyperopia can be treated with convex lens glasses, which bringsthelightraystogethersotheycanbefocusedontheretina
Type of Contact lenses:
Hard - rigid material, last a long time, mustbekeptsterile
Soft - flexible material, last for a shorter time, morecomfortable
Laser eye surgery is theuseoflaserstofix visual defectsinadults
To treat myopia, lasers reduce the thickness of the cornea so light is refractedlessstrongly
To treat hyperopia, lasers alter the curvature of the cornea so that light is refractedcorrectly
A replacement lens can either be implanted in the eye (alongwiththenatural lens), or it may replace the natural lens altogether. Risks of lens replacement include retinaldamage, cataracts and infection.
Body temperature is controlled by the thermoregulatorycentre in the hypothalamus of the brain.