The Universe and The Earth

Cards (52)

  • Formation of the Universe and The Earth
    • the singularity - an inferior small region of space with zero volume and no dimensions
    • stuffing the entire universe into a singularity
    • state of universe before big bang
  • Formation of the Earth - offshoot of the formation of the universe
  • Formation of the universe: Big Bang Theory
  • Formation of the Solar System: Nebular Hypothesis
  • Big Bang Theory
    • contends that the universe originated from a cosmic explosion (origin unknown) that hurled matter in all directions 15 and 20 billion years ago
    • first proposed by the Belgian priest Georges Lemaitre, 1920
    • Edwin Hubble justified Lemaitre's theory through observations that the Universe is continuously expanding; galaxies are moving away from death other
    • diameter of the universe is estimated to be 93.016 billion light years
    • this diameter is increase at a rate of about 1.96 million km/s, which is about 6.5 times faster than the spread of light
  • Evidence of the BBT
    • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB)
    • uniform distribution of radiation that pervades the entire universe
    • abundance of primordial elements (H and He)
    • Hubble's Law
    • Edwin Hubble observed a "redshift" in 1929
  • Redshift
    • galaxies have been stretched as time passes
    • violet: red; shortest wavelength; longest wavelength
    • humahaba yung wavelength of the stars
    • lumalayo yung stars
    • evidence that we were once "near"
    • if the universe is expanding, it must be smaller in the past
  • The Nebular Hypothesis
    • the SS originated from a single rotating cloud of gas and dust, starting 4.6B years ago, which contracted due to gravity and came from products of the BB
    • the idea was first proposed by Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon de Laplace in the 18th Century
    • formation of galaxies
    • H and He clunked up together to gas -> galaxies -> stars -> SS
    • Chronology: production of cloud of gas and dust; sun created due to contraction of gravity; excess particles becomes planets
    • chrondites (stony primitive meteorites have not been modified) - similar composition as Earth
  • SS by mass
    Sun - 99.85%
    Jupiter - 0.10%
    Others - 0.04%
  • Nebular Hypothesis (cont)
    • matter condense to form planets: terrestrial and jovian (gas giants)
    • nucleosynthesis: formation of new elements due to fusion in the sum and other stars
    • the sun is a 2nd and 3rd generation star
  • frost line
    divides terrestrial and jovian
  • nebular hypothesis
    idea that a spinning cloud of dust mostly light elements (called nebula) flattened into a protoplanetary disk, and became a SS consisting of a star with orbiting planets
  • supernova
    powerful and luminous explosion of a star
  • the iron catastrophe
    • planet earth has no official name
    • the proto-earth has a dust ball
    • accretion > heating > differentiation
    • liquid iron sank to the core
    • lighter elements (O, Si, etc.) were displaced
    • heavy elements -> core
    • lighter elements -> crust
    • mantle -> light + heavy elements
  • Causes of melting
    • heat from collision
    • heat from solar radiation
    • radioactive heat
    • increase in temp from contraction of Earth due to gravity
  • Formation of the moon
    • started with a collision within a mars-sized planetesimal
  • Formation of the Moon
    Collision with a mars-sized planetesimal
  • Origin of the Atmosphere: Atmosphere formed by heating and differentiation
    1. Primordial (ancient) mass lost to space due to solar winds (timeline: 1.4 Ga)
    2. volcanic venting and icy cement release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane, and water vapor (4.0 Ga outgassing/ venting/ degassing)
    3. steady additions of gases from volcanoes builds up the volume of atmosphere 
    4. blue green algae convert carbon dioxide to oxygen (3.5 Ga onwards) 
  • How did the earth become differentiated
    because of the iron catastrophe
  • Layers of the Earth: composition
    1. Core
    2. Mantle
    3. Crust
  • Core
    • Heavier elements
    • Iron and nickel alloys
    • iron rich sphere with small amounts of Ni and other elements
    • ~3.5 km in radius
    • 16% of earth's volume
    • around 31% of the earth's mass
  • Mantle
    • Iron rich
    • But diluted with lighter elements like O2, Mg
    • 2.9km thick
    • 83% of earth’s volume - largest
    • 68% of Earth’s mass
  • Crust
    • Outermost layer 
    • Composed of lighter elements
    • O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg 
    • Thickness varies 
    • Continent - 15-60km 
    • Oceans: 3-15km 
    • Less than 1% of the earth’s mass and volume 
  • Layers of the Earth: Mechanical Properties
    1. Inner core
    2. Outer core
    3. Lithosphere (uppermost mantle, continental crust, oceanic crust)
    4. Asthenosphere (uppermost mantle and upper mantle)
    5. Mesosphere (lower mantle)
  • Layers of the Earth
    1. Case of variable mechanical properties
    2. increase in both T and P
    3. increase in T -> Melting
    4. Increase in P -> Solidification
    5. Response of each to dominant variable at a certain depth
  • Evidences that Supports the layers of the earth
    • Seismic waves
    • Xenoliths
  • Seismic Waves
    • P waves
    • passes through solid and liquid elements
    • S waves
    • passes only through solid; stops sa outer core
  • Xenoliths
    • thermally rounded peridotite xenolith in basalt lava
    • aka alienated rocks
    • it is not a meteorite
    • comes from the mantle
  • Earth's large scale features
    • Continents
    • Ocean basins
  • Continents: Plains, Mountain belts
    - North American cordillera
    - Appalachians
    - Caledonians
    - Alps
    - Alpine
    - Each African right
    - Himalayas
    - Himalayans
    - Circumpacific belt
    - Urals
    - Andes belt
  • Ocean basins: Abyssal plains, mid-oceanic ridges, trenches 

    • Mid-oceanic ridges
    • Ridges that extend from the North Pole to South Pole 
    • Almost 60k km long 
    • East pacific rise ridge
    • Mid-Atlantic ridge
    • Central Indian ride
    • Southwest Indian ridge
    • Trenches
    • Philippine trench
    • Manila trench
    • Mariana trench
    • Move
    • Tyuku trench
    • Sumatran trench
    • Java Trench
    • New Hebrides Trench
    • Seamounts/guyots and abyssal plains
    • Islands Continental margin
  • Trenches
    moves via tectonic plate movement: one will subduct or sink the other tectonic plate
    abundance is seem in the pacific ring of fire
  • Seamounts/ guyots and abyssal plains

    contains: continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, abyssal plane (sea floor, where ships sink), ocean ridge
  • Seamounts
    are about to be islands
    e.g., Hawaiian
  • Theories of Isotasy
    Pratt's theory
    Airy's theory
    Flexural theory
  • Isotasy
    Rising or falling of the earth
  • Pratt's theory

    • Equal depths of the route of the lithosphere  
    • Different densities per location
    • Low density - bundok; umaakyat
  • Airy's theory
    • Equal density sa buona lithosphere 
    • There is no difference
    • The difference: was malalim yung roots, may limitations sa pagangat nila
    • Anti-root 
  • Flexural theory

    • Combination of airy’s theory and something else 
    • Lithosphere will take the form of the bundok 
  • Equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,076km