Cards (20)

  • State 3 assumptions of the behaviourist approach
    1. Only observable/measure able behaviour should be studied
    2. tabula rasa (born as blank slate ) - no genetic influence on behaviour
    3. animals should replace humans as experimental subjects (basic processes that govern learning are the same for all species )
  • Classical conditioning
    Learning through association (to create a conditioned response )
  • Who investigated classical conditioning ?
    Ivan Pavlov
  • How is a conditioned response created ?
    By repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned stimulus ,uncomfitioned response and neutral stimulas in the experiment ’PAVLOVS DOGS ‘

    UCS- food
    UCR - salivating
    NS -bell
  • what does neutral stimulus turn into after conditioning ?
    Conditioned stimulus
  • Stages of pavlovs dogs
    1. food (UCS) ——>salivating (UCR)
    2. bell (NS) —-> no conditioned response
    3. food (UCS) + bell (NS)——>salivating (UCR)
    4. bell (CS) —-> salivating (CR)
  • Who carried out ‘The little Albert study ‘ 

    Watson and raynor (1920)
  • What was the study of little Albert ?
    9 month old was conditioned to have a phobia of white rats .
    -repeatedly paired the rat with a steel bar being struck
    -Albert learnt to associate the loud noise (UCS) with the white rat (NS) —> learnt response (CR) of fear to the white rat ( now the CS)
  • what is operant conditioning ?

    Learning through consequences
  • 3 types of consequences
    Positive/negative reinforcement , punishment
  • Consequences that increase the likelihood of behaviour ?
    Positive and negative reinforcement
  • Which consequence decreases the likelihood of behaviour ?
  • Who investigated operant conditioning ?
    B.F. skinner -skinners rats
  • Punishment in skinners box
    receiving an electric shock of the rat pressed the level
  • Positive reinforcement in skinners box 

    Receiving a food pellet when the rat pressed the level
  • Negative reinforcement I’m skinners box
    Pressing the lever to stop the electric shock
  • what did skinner find ?
    Positive reinforcement - rat learnt to press level if repeatedly given food pellet when they press it
    negative reinforcement - rat learns to press lever if repeatedly the electric shock stops when they press it
    punishment - the rat learns to stop pressing the lever if repeatedly given an electric shock when they press it
  • Real life example of operant Conditioning
    Gambling , video game addiction
  • What is behaviourist approach
    Changes in behaviour that are caused by a persons direct experience of their environment using principles of CLASSICAL AND OPERANT CONDITIONING