Hyperparathyroidism Excessive parathormone (PTH) production by the thyroid gland.
CUSHING SYNDROME: Hypersecretion of glucocorticoids from
the anterior pituitary gland
SIMMOND’S DISEASE: Chronic deficiency of
the pituitary gland
ACROMIRCIA: Abnormal smallness
of limbs, nose and
TURNER’SSYNDROME: Females at AGE 5; Loss
of ovarian function.
Slow growth before
and after birth and
head growth is normal
but appears larger as
compared to the rest
of the body
Mildly unusual facial
features, short stature,
heart defects, bleeding
problems, skeletal
malformations, and many
other signs and symptoms
In infancy, this is
characterized by weak
muscle tone (hypotonia), feeding difficulties, poor
growth, and delayed
Affects cognitive ability
and physical growth, mild to mod developmental
ANATOMY: Branch of medicine and biology concerned with the shape and structure of the body and the relationship of
BIOCHEMISTRY: Branch of chemistry studying the chemical behavior in living systems
PHYSIOLOGY: Study of how organisms function or work
PATHOGENESIS: Origin or cause of disease
PHARMACOLOGY: The science dealing with drugs and their effects on the body
BIOSTATICS: use of statistical tests to analyze biological data and the interpretation of its results.
CYTOLOGY: branch of science that deals with structure,
composition, function of cells and also interaction b/w them in
an environment in which they exists.
EMBRYOLOGY: is the branch of biology that studies the
formation and early development of living organisms, from the
ovum´s fertilization to the fetus stage.
ENDOCRINOLOGY: branch of medicine and biology related to the specific secretions called hormones and their effect of the
endocrine organs.
EPIDEMIOLOGY: study of the occurrence, distribution, and control of diseases in populations within public health, causes by
a virus, bacteria or some other factor.
GENETICS: Part of biology, study of genes, hereditary and their effects of inheritance of specific traits and on other biological
HISTOLOGY: Branch of medicine and biology that study the
microscopic structure of cells and tissues under a light
IMMUNOLOGY: main branch of medical science that deals with all mechanics physiological of the biological integral defense of
all organisms, called the IMMUNE SYSTEM.
MICROBIOLOGY: science that studies microscopic organisms, specifically for them which are under the power of human eye
NEUROSCIENCE: Study of nervous system and its functions
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: branch of biology and chemistry and deals with the study molecular of the process developed in the
NUTRITION: study of dietary requirements for people.
PATHOLOGY: study of disease, its causes, mechanisms and
effects on the organisms.
PHARMACOLOGY: study of drugs and their origin, nature, properties and effects upon living organisms. Is related to
biological effects causes by drugs on organisms.
TOXICOLOGY: closely related to medicine, chemistry and biology, basically is the study of the nature, effects
and detection of poisons and the treatment of
- Condition in which one or more body
parts are not
Attempt to determine which one of several
disease can be producing
the s/s that are present. DifferentialDiagnosis
Pathological condition
resulting from a prior
disease, injury or
attack. Sequelae.
-Study of the causes of diseases
- Unfavorable response due to
prescribed medical
- Temporary, partial, or complete
disappearance of the
symptoms of a disease
w/o having achieved a cure.