
Cards (31)

  • Politics is commonly defined as the process determining the distribution of power and resources
  • Politics refers to the theory and practice of how people influence others in making decisions and carrying out projects and programs
  • Politics is an activity that involves an interaction of people whose relationship is determined by conflict and cooperation
  • Politics is the "master of all science" according to Aristotle
  • Politics is a social activity, always a dialogue and not a monologue
  • Different views on politics:
    • Art of Government focuses on the state, personnel, and machinery of the government
    • Public Affairs concerns the conduct and management of public interest
    • Politics attempts to solve conflict through discussion, compromise, bargaining, and consensus
    • Politics involves the exercise of authority in the production, distribution, and use of resources
  • Governance refers to the process by which laws and policies are enacted by the government through the implementation of programs that uphold the general welfare
  • Government is a formal, structured entity through which the state exercises its will
  • Political Science is a branch of social sciences that deals with the study of politics, systems of government, and political activity
  • Quantitative Methods rely on statistics and hard data to analyze political phenomena
    • Qualitative Methods provide descriptive accounts of political phenomena through participant observation, interviews, and focus group discussions
  • Power is the ability of a person to carry out his or her will
    • Coercive, Reward, Expert, Legitimate, and Referent are classifications of power
    • Charismatic, Traditional, and Legal-rational are classifications of power based on different types of authority
  • Three inherent powers of the state:
    • Police Power ensures law and order
    • Eminent Domain allows the government to acquire private property for public use
    • Power of Taxation allows the government to impose and collect taxes
  • Forms of Power in International Politics:
    • Military Power
    • Economic Power
    • Soft Power
  • Concepts of Political Power:
    • Legitimacy
    • Authority
    • Sovereignty
  • Power and Citizenship:
    • Sovereignty resides in the people who compose the state
    • Citizen Participation includes suffrage, referendum, plebiscite, initiatives, and popular revolt
  • State is a political community with sovereign jurisdiction over a defined territory
    • Five features of the state: sovereign, public institutions, legitimation, domination, territorial association
  • Four Elements of the State:
    • Sovereignty
    • Government
    • Territory
    • People
  • Nation is a group of people bound together by commonalities in language, history, traditions, and religion
    • Nation-state relies on the fusion of cultural and political aspects in a state and a nation
    • Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy
  • Features of globalization (Heywood 2013):
    • Declining relevance of geographical distance
    • Lessening the significance of territorial boundaries
    • Deepening and broadening of political processes, with local, national, and global events constantly interacting
  • Forms of globalization:
    Economic Globalization:
    • All economies integrated into a global economy
    • Internationalized production
    • Financial capital flowing freely between countries
    Cultural Globalization:
    • Information, commodities, and images from one part of the world make cultural differences between nations and individuals less significant
    • McDonaldization or rationalization extended to fast-food chains, leading to the standardization of processes such as production
    • Information evolution
    • Global brands penetrating the local scene
    Political Globalization:
    • Importance of international organizations, transnational organizations, and nongovernmental organizations recognized
    • Influence on domestic issues of organizations such as the United Nations, World Trade Organizations, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Red Cross, and World Wide Fund for Nature
  • Opportunities and Challenges of globalization:
    • Economic globalization provides developing states an opportunity to access markets they would otherwise be unable to enter due to protectionist policies
    • Membership in regional and international organizations enables small countries to work together, gain more influence, and acquire a platform to call attention to significant issues
    • Cultural globalization gives rise to a global community that accepts and celebrates diversity
  • Nature of Political Ideology:
    • An ideology is a coherent set of ideas that direct or organize specific actions
    • Political ideology is a set of beliefs and ideas that define political activities, policies, and events
    • Ideology becomes the basis for the values, principles, and ideas the state should develop and transform
    • Different ideologies may exist within societies and interact closely with each other
    • Political ideology is the basis for the development of a political culture, which defines political processes and governance
  • Key functions of ideology:
    1. Explain how society and politics are organized
    2. Evaluate whether a certain political action or program is good or bad
    3. Orient those who subscribe to it to have a sense of identity and direction
    4. Provide a plan of action that will bring about political change
  • The Political Spectrum:
    • A model for classifying political actors, parties, or ideologies along one or more axes that compare them
    • Origin of the left/right political axis dated to 1789 during the French National Assembly meeting in Versailles
    • "Leftist" or "left-wing" ideologies value individual freedom over government control
    • "Rightist" or "right-wing" ideologies emphasize government power and authority
    • Centrist ideas combine elements from both left and right ideologies and advocate more moderate policies
  • Major Political Ideologies:
    1. Liberalism:
    • Belief in individualism
    • Liberty of the individual must be protected
    • Considers economic and social inequality as undesirable
    • Authority and social relationships based on agreement and consent
    • Public policy oriented towards eliminating discrimination and barriers to growth and development
    2. Communism:
    • Socialist ideology that believes inequality is a result of capitalism and the class system
    • Based on Marxism
    3. Socialism:
    • Community highlights the connection of the individual with others
    • Envisions a society with public ownership of resources and means of production
    • Social class is an important social cleavage dividing society
    4. Social Democracy:
    • Seeks to implement socialist reforms within a democratic government and capitalist economy
    • Espouses state regulation, rather than state ownership, of the means of production and social welfare programs
    • Predominantly capitalist but with state intervention for social justice
    • Advocates a return to traditional practices and previous state policies
    9. Fascism:
    • Subscribes to the idea of a supreme race
    • People give unrelenting loyalty and obedience to a supreme leader
    10. Feminism:
    • Desires to enhance the social role of women
    • Belief in gender equality
    11. Cosmopolitanism:
    • Focuses on the idea that all people in the world have obligations regardless of nationality or ethnicity
  • 5. Anarchism:
    • Advocates the total dismantling and elimination of the state
    • Advocates self-governed communities managed through cooperative effort and mutual respect
    6. Neoliberalism:
    • Based on laissez-faire economics
    • Believes economic growth is key to human progress
    • Government must not intervene in market activities
    7. Conservatism:
    • Upholds a strong, stable government and firm implementation of laws
    • Values continuity of tradition and is more nationalistic, religious, and moralistic
    • Social problems should be addressed at a local or community level
    8. Reactionism:
  • Ideology and Governance:
    • Ideology influences how the government organizes itself and conducts activities
    • Political ideologies form the basis of state policies and laws
    • Political systems may be based on a single ideology or a combination of ideas from various ideologies
  • Political Turncoatism:
    • Act of changing party affiliation by a candidate
    • Embedded in the country's political culture as aspiring politicians use parties as financial vehicles during elections
    • Ideology emphasizing the interests of the masses
    • Presents the masses as oppressed by elites, with the government's role to limit elite privileges and uplift the masses