Berlin Ultimatum

Cards (4)

  • Khrushchev decided that the solution to this problem was for the whole of Berlin to become part of the surrounding territory of East Germany.
    He saw that if the British, Americans and French left Berlin, it would be far harder for the East Germans to cross to the west.
    He knew that Britain, America and France would not agree to leave and they would have to be forced.
  • In November 1958, Khrushchev demanded Western countries recognise East Germany officially as an independent country, but at this point the West still believed Germany could be reunited and so did not want to recognise East Germany as a separate country.
  • The Berlin Ultimatum was issued on 27 November. It demanded:
    • Berlin should be demilitarised and Western troops withdrawn
    • Berlin should become a free city
    The West had 6 months to make all these changes of Khrushchev threatened to hand over control of all the routes into Berlin to the government of East Germany.
  • Impact on superpower relations
    • Khrushchev's threat about controlling transport would mean the USA would have to talk to East Germany's authorities about access to Berlin - therefore recognising East Germany as a legitimate country.
    • West was outraged by demands and saw it as a way of spreading communism
    • Khrushchev saw his actions as essential to stop the flow of skilled citizens leaving
    • Neither sides wanted nuclear war