The Berlin Wall

Cards (5)

  • Building of the wall
    Tensions increased, more East Germans began to cross the border in fear that Khrushchev would close it
    • On one day in August 1961 - 40,000 East Germans crossed
    East German leader: Walter Ulbricht urged Khrushchev to close the border and on 12 August 1961 a barbed wire fence was built around Berlin and between East and West Berlin.
    • A concrete wall followed this, which was 165 km long, 3.6m high and 1.2m wide.
  • Impact in Berlin
    There were many escape attempts when the wall was being built
    • One woman threw a mattress out of a building and attempted to jump (she later died)
    The West Berlin fire service attempted to help people cross safely
    • Tunnel 57 was built underneath the wall, through which 57 Berliners escaped
    • Family and friends were separated from each other
    • Guards were instructed to shoot anyone attempting to escape
    Throughout the whole time the wall was up, approx. 130 people were killed
  • Impact on the Soviet Union
    • Stopped refugees leaving
    • Sent message to the West that communism would survive in Berlin
    • Had to abandon plans to unite Germany under Soviet control
    • Wall was a large propaganda fail as it presented the Soviet's as having to 'lock' people into East Germany to make them stay
  • Impact on the USA
    • The wall stopped Khrushchev from bullying Kennedy, as he had to accept Western control in the Western part of Berlin
    • West Berlin = emblem of freedom and defiance against communism
    • Kennedy's reputation increased - visited West Berlin in 1963 and carried out 'ich bin ein Berliner' speech
    • The border was closed without discussion
    • Now people in East Berlin weren't able to escape communism
  • Impact on Superpower Relations
    Division = less likelihood of a war
    • "A wall is better than a war" - Kennedy
    Reduced tensions as the Soviets were no longer irritated by the West's presence in Berlin, and by refugees leaving to go there.
    • Reminded people of Churchill's iron curtain speech - division
    • Highlighted significantly the differences between the superpowers until 1989.