daily hassles

Cards (5)

  • KANNER et al developed the daily hassles scale
    • it has 117 daily hassles from seven categories including work, health, family etc
    • each daily hassle has a score of 1 2 and 3. 1 meaning somewhat, 2 meaning moderately and 3 meaning extremely severe
  • Daily hassles threaten our health because we experience a lot of them and their effects add up to cause ill health
  • KANNER found that there were positive correlations between hassle frequency and psychological symptoms at the start and the end of the study
    Hassles were a significantly stronger predictor of symptoms than life events
    He concluded that daily hassles are more of a reliable predictor of illness than what life events are
  • pro - it is a self report method which is asking them to report their hassles as how they believe them to be
    self report methods encourage openness and honesty
  • con - it is subjective and that they might have suffered from social desirability bias and that they might have chosen the same answer every time instead of answering it honestly