Cards (7)

  • the HPA pathway releases corticosteroids to help us cope with injury and damage
  • hpa pathway consists of the hypothalamus - pituitary gland which relases ACTH through the blood - Adrenal cortex which releases cortisol.
  • the HPA system is the second part of the stress response and it responds to chronic stressors such as work and exams
  • The hypothalamus is stimulated when the brain notices a stressor.
  • A signal is then sent to the pituitary gland in the brain which releases a hormone called ACTH
  • ACTH travels through the bloodstream down to the adrenal cortex which releases corticosteroids, such a cortisol, into the bloodstream.
  • corticosteroids have two major effects on the body
    1. release glucose from the liver
    2. suppress the immune system to redirect energies to other areas of the body.