Addition polymerisation

Cards (7)

  • what is polymerisation
    many monomers join to form a polymer
  • what type of polymerisation joins alkenes together to make polymers
    addition polymerisation
  • what is the monomer called which forms the polymer poly(ethene)
  • what type of polymer would butene make and what would it be called
    addition polymer called poly(butene)
  • what happens during condensation polymerisation

    monomers with 2 functional groups; small molecules such as water are lost through ‘condensation’
  • explain how amino acids polymerise to form a polypeptide
    condensation polymerisation. 2 functional groups, water lost by condensation
  • name and give the formula of a one amino acid that polymerises in this way
    glycerine- H2NCH2COOH