Mental Health

Cards (13)

  • Mental health affects your thoughts, emotions, relationships, and your ability to handle different situations.
  • Emotions are feelings that we have inside of us.
  • Depression can affect:
    Changes in appetite
    Sleep patterns
    Changes in personality
  • Depression could lead to insomnia or excessive sleeping.
  • Coping strategies include:
    Breathing exercises
    Expressive arts
    Establishing routines
    Seek support
  • The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
  • Stress is simply the body’s response to events that make one feel threatened or upset.
  • Cortisol is the hormone that stirs up the body for emergency action. Both Adrenaline and Cortisol is released during stressful situations.
  • Freeze is used to describe self-paralyzing in traumatic situations.
  • Negative stress or distress is the condition of the body where its well-being is threatened and attacked.
  • Negative stress may result to increased heart rate, short and shallow breathing, constriction of the blood vessel, and insomnia.
  • Causes of stress include:
    hectic and loaded schedule
    poor time management
    reactive than proactive
    lack or poor planning
  • Internal factors that cause stress include:
    repetitive negative thought patterns
    unrealistic and high expectations
    unreasonable fears
    too much worrying about future events