Entrepreneur- organises land, labour and capital to produce a profitable product by taking risks
Reward for factors of production
rent- income received for allowing its use by another party
wages- payment to workers for allowing the use of its labour
interest- payment to buy premises, machinery and other equipment
profit- total on income after all costs have been deducted from revenue
Economic problem - the problem of scarcity, where there are not enough resources to meet everyone's needs
needs- the thingsthatarenecessaryforsurvival and well-beingofanindividual
Wants- desires that people want but do not need
opportunity cost- the nextbestalternative forgone
Consumers aim to maximisetheirutility which is the satisfaction gained from consuming goods or services
Firms aim to maximise profits by producing goods and services that are indemandandselling them at a pricethatishigh enough to cover their costs and make a profit
Economic sustainability- impact of economic choices on economic objectives now and in the long run
Social sustainability- impact of economic choices on society now and intothefuture
Environmental sustainability- impact of economic choices on the environment now and into the future
The marketmechanism allocates resources efficiently as it allows consumers to choose what they buy, firms to produce what is demanded and prices to adjust so that supply equals demand.
market- where the product is sold to the consumer, the product is sold to the consumer (where buyers and sellers meet totrade)
open tocompetitionfrom othercountriesproducing the sameproduct
Demand is the amount of a product a consumer is able and willing to buy at a specific price and time
Supply is the amount of a product a firm is able and willing to produce at a given price and time
percentage change formula: (change/originalvalue) x 100
PED= %change in quantity demanded / % change in price
PES= %change inquantitysupplied/%change in price
Shifts in demand
high income=more spending money, more able to buy
price of complimentary/substitute= consumers go for cheaper options
However it dependsonthe PED (the nature of the good)
Market failure occurs when market forces do not allocateresourcesefficiently
Who are consumers?
people who buy goods or services
Nature of the good (PED)
a luxury good (prices elastic) - demand will be sensitive to price change
a necessity (price inelastic) - it will be less sensitive to changes in price
the closer the substitute and the more that are available (price inelastic)
if the price of a good in competition with a product increases this will affect the demand and price elasticity of demand
the longer the time period (price elastic) other firms have the ability to produce similar products and consumers can change their habits
Brand loyalty (price inelastic)
income if incomes increase (price inelastic)
Causes of shift in supply
change in the cost of production - if costs go up supplier will produce less as they will make less profit
better technology- lower costs as less mistakes-supply more to make more profits
bad weather limits amount being supplied
taxes-indirect taxes to the government rise so costs go up for a firm and supply will fall
subsidy- government grant lowers costs and raises profit to encourage firms to supply more
if firms believe prices will rise they will supply more (vice versa)
determines of PES
If there is spareproductioncapacity, not all of the land, labour, capital is being used so production can easily respond (elastic)
if a business stockpiled a product they will be able to respond quickly if price rise and provide more to the market (elastic)
if it is easy to re-deployanyfactorofproduction from producing one product to another (elastic)
if new firms can easily enter a market and increaseproduction (elastic)
time in the short term (inelastic), long run they have time to respond (elastic)
Price reflects the value or worth that people are willing to put on a good or service for the satisfaction or utility they gain and signals to producers what they should produce.
Excess demand (below equilibrium)- demandoutstrips, or isgreaterthansupply.
Firms can raisepricestoimproveprofitability (good for firms, bad for consumers)
alternatively they could increase supply and leave the price the same
Excess supply (above the equilibrium)- supply outstrips or is greaterthandemand.
firms lower prices to sell their product (good for consumers, bad for producers)
alternatively they could reduce supply and leave pricethesame
Why do firms compete?
to enter a market
to survive in the market
to make profit
impacts of competition
promotionalactivity - advertising (good for firms)