
Cards (18)

  • Trump's trade war with China has led to the loss of jobs, higher prices for consumers, and reduced economic growth.
  • Free trade - the absence of barriers such as tariffs, taxes, subsidies, etc., that restrict international trade between countries.
  • Tariffs can be used to retaliate against unfair trade practices imposed by other countries.
  • China responded by imposing tariffs on American goods worth $60 billion
  • Tariffs are used as a source of revenue for the government by charging fees on imported goods.
  • Protectionism - government policy to protect domestic industries from foreign competition by imposing tariffs or quotas.
  • Increasing tariffs will increase costs for businesses and reduce demand for their products
  • Tariff revenue is collected by the federal government and used to fund various programs and services.
  • Increased demand for American goods leads to increased production and employment opportunities.
  • The US government uses tariffs to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.
  • Quota - An artificial limit placed on the quantity of a good that can be imported into a country.
  • Tariff - A tax imposed on imported goods, typically used to protect domestic industry and generate revenue for government.
  • Protectionism is an economic policy aimed at protecting domestic industries from foreign competition by imposing restrictions on imports or providing support through subsidies.
  • Trade wars have negative impacts on global economic growth and investment decisions
  • Retaliatory measures taken by China include increasing tariffs on US soybeans, cars, and aircraft parts
  • Tariffs can be used to promote economic growth, but they also have negative effects such as higher prices for consumers and reduced international trade.
  • Tariffs can lead to retaliation from other countries, which can harm exports and hurt the economy.
  • Tariffs can create jobs in protected industries, but they may not necessarily benefit the overall economy.