social policy

Cards (15)

  • social policy
    a piece of law or legislation that effects the way we live
  • laws that affect contemporary family life
    -one child policy china
    -adoption laws
    -divorce laws
    -civil partnerships
  • china-one child policy

    -women sometimes had to seek permission from employer to get pregnant
    -incentives to have one child: free healthcare, less tax and better housing and educational services
    -punishments for having more than one child: fined, higher tax and pressure to undergo steralisation
    -law ammended in 2014
    -oldest place
  • romania communism in 1980s
    -encouraged to increase birth rate under communist regime through social policy
    -restricted contraception, abortion made illegal, age of marriage lowered to 15 and high tax on childless couples
  • nazi germany
    -encouraged radically pure women to breed a master race
    • restricted contraception and abortion
    • medals for many births- honour cross of motherhood gold for 8+ children
    • those deemed unfit for breeding were forced to be steralised
  • social policy in favour of heterosexual
    -only legal form of marriage until 2005
    -no teachinf/promotion of homosexuality in schools (clause 28)
  • social policy against heterosexuality
    -lowering age of sexual consent for homosexual relationships
    -abolition of clause 28
  • social policy in favour of marriage

    -divorce laws requiring counselling and cooling off period 1996
    -promotion of marriage in sex education
  • social policy against marriage
    -tax incentives to remain single parent
    -removal of barriers to divorce
  • social policy for having two children
    -free contraception
    -legalisation of abortion
    -ivf programme supported by NHS
    -housing priority when children present
  • policies against two children
    -child benefit for all children under 16 or in full time education has been said by new right to encourage big families
  • social policy in favour of male breadwinner
    -CSA requires absent parent to maintain children
    -paternity leave traditionally 2 weeks
  • social policy against male breadwinner
    -welfare benefits for single parents
    -equal pay act encourages both sexes to work
  • social policy in favour of dependent wife
    -maternity leave 9-12 months
    -lack of nursery places and after school care
    -care in community relies on the informal care of relatives
  • social policy against dependent wife
    -welfare to work programmes encourage single mothers to be independent