A-Level History: International Relations
Section 1
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Subdecks (15)
Potential Conflict
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
3 cards
Germany’s Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary 1879
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
12 cards
Franco-Russian Alliance, 1894
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
11 cards
Anglo-German relations by 1900
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
7 cards
Anglo-French rivalry by 1900
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
4 cards
The Ottoman Empire in 1900
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
5 cards
The Russian and the Ottoman Empire
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
14 cards
Russo–Austria-Hungry rivalry in the Balkans
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
10 cards
The Second Boer War: 1899-1902
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
6 cards
The Fashoda Incident
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
5 cards
The Berlin Conference: 1884-85
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
9 cards
The ‘Scramble for Africa’
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
7 cards
Armed Forces of the Great Powers
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
13 cards
Economic Strengths of the Great Powers
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
7 cards
The Political Structures of the Great Powers
A-Level History: International Relations > Section 1
5 cards