Exploitation-the action or fact of treating someoneunfairly in order to benefit from their work
Sweatshop-a factory or workshopespecially in the clothing industry where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long hours and under poor conditions
Fair trade-When producers in LICs are given a better price for the goods they produce.Often this is fromfarming products like cocoa coffee or cotton
Secondary industry-the Industry where primarymaterials are madeintosomething (usually in a factory)
Primary industry-The industry where primarymaterials are obtained (gotten) e.g. fishing farming and mining
Development-theprocess of a country in theterms of economicgrowth the use of technology and human welfare
Exploitation-the action or fact of treating someone unfairly to benefitfromtheirwork
Newly Emerging Economies -Countries that have begun to experience high rates of economic development usually with rapid industrialisation
What does exploitation mean
The action or fact of treatingsomeoneunfairly in order to benefitfrom their work