Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information

Cards (47)

  • This is an informal way of generating topics to write about or points to make about your topic.
  • Name the 5 Methods in Brainstorming?
    Idea List, Idea Map, Free Writing, Cubing, Researching
  • This method of brainstorming simply involves listing of ideas about a particular topic.
    Idea Map
  • This method of brainstorming is also called as webbing or clustering and this are visual representation of ideas and their connections with one another.
    Idea Map
  • This method of brainstorming is similar to brainstorming but is written in sentence and paragraph form without stopping.
    Free Writing
  • This method of brainstorming is an idea that is examined from six distinct viewpoints
    • You compare the topic (what is it?)
    • Compare and contrast it (what is it like or unlike?)
    • What do you associate it with (what does it remind you of?)
    • Analyze it (what are its parts?)
    • Apply it (in what ways can it be utilized)
    • Argue for or against it (in what ways can you support or oppose it?)
  • This method of brainstorming is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data, documentation of critical information, and analysis and interpretation of that data/information.
  • These are are visual representations of concepts that help you structure information into organizational pattern.
    Graphic Organizers
  • Name the 10 Types of Graphic Organizers.
    V___ D______
    N______ T___
    S_____ M__
    P______-S_______ M__
    P___ D______
    S_____ of E____ C____
    F_______ M__
    P_________ M__
    Venn Diagram, Network Tree, Spider Map, Problem-Solution Map, Timeline, Plot Diagram, Series of Event Chain, Fishbone Map, Cycle, Persuasion Map
  • This type of graphic organizer is use to compare and contrast ideas and events, uses two or more overlapping circles to show similar and different attributes.
    Venn Diagram
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to present hierarchy, classification, and branching. They are useful in showing relationships of scientific categories, family trees, and even lineages.
    Network Tree
  • This type of graphic organizer is also called semantic map. It is used to investigate and enumerate various aspects of a central idea, which could be a concept, topic, or theme.
    Spider Map
  • This type of graphic organizer displays the nature of the problem and how it can be solved.
    Problem-Solution Map
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to show how events occurred chronologically through a long bar labeled with dates and specific events.
  • Name the 2 Types of Timeline.
    Linear Timeline and Comparative Timeline
  • This type of timeline shows how events happened within one period.
    Linear Timeline
  • This type of timeline shows two sets of events that happened within the same period of time.
    Comparative Timeline
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to map events in a story, making it easier to analyze the major parts of the plot.
    Plot Diagram
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to show the logical sequence of events.
    Series of Event Chain
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to better understand the casual relationship of a complex phenomenon and shows the factors that cause a specific event or problem, as well as details of each cause.
    Fishbone Map
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to describe how series of events interact to produce as set of results repeatedly?
  • This type of graphic organizer is used to map out arguments and evidence that prove a viewpoint.
    Persuasion Map
  • This is a tool for organizing ideas. This shows how the part of the text are related to one another as parts that are equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to a main idea.
  • Name the 2 Outline Formats.
    Decimal Outline and Alphanumeric Outline
  • This outline formal uses numbers as labels.
    Decimal Outline
  • This outline format uses letters and numbers as labels.
    Alphanumeric Outline
  • Name the 2 Kinds of Outline.
    Topic Outline and Sentence Outline
  • This kind of outline uses words and phrases for its entries and used if the ideas being discussed can be arranged in a number of ways?
    Topic Outline
  • This kind of outline uses complete sentences for its entries and used when the topic being discussed is complicated and requires a lot of details.
    Sentence Outline
  • What method in Brainstorming is this?
    Idea Map
  • What method of Brainstorming is this?
    Idea List
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Venn Diagram
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Network Tree
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Spider Map
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Problem-Solution Map
  • What type of Timeline is this?
    Linear Timeline
  • What type of Timeline is this?
    Comparative Timeline
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Plot Diagram
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
  • What type of Graphic Organizer is this?
    Series of Events Chain