Economic growth

Cards (16)

  • Economic growth
    An increase in the value of all goods and services produced in an economy in a year
  • GDP
    The total value of all goods and services produced in an economy in a year
  • Real GDP
    GDP with inflation taken into account (constant prices)
  • Reasons why GDP is a good measure
    1.GDP has a posotive corelation with living standards (is representitive)
    2.GDP is an objective measure of economic growth
    3.GDP is relatively easy to obtain
    4.GDP is internatinally standardised and recognised
  • Reasons why GDP is a bad measure
    1.GDP doesn't account for the distribution of wealth
    2. GDP doesn't capture all activitys within an economy (sub-systems)
    3.GDP doesn't take wellbeing into account e.g pollution
    5.GDP doesn't represent the quality of goods and services
  • Why is GDP internatinally recognised
    GDP can be used to adjust policies and evaluate performance
  • Purchasing power parity (PPP)
    The value of currency, expressed as the number of goods and services a unit of money can buy
  • Disposable incomes
    The amount of money a household or individual has available for spending and saving after taxes and other expenses are taken out of their incomes
  • GNI
    Gross Natinal Income measures the net income earned by citizens operating outside of the country + the GDP However, it is harder to obtain.
  • Remmitance
    A sum of money typically sent back home or abroad by family
  • Factors that affect happiness
    3.Trust in society
    4.Where you live
    5.Political freedoms
  • Limitation of Natinal Happiness Economics
    -happiness is a subjective meaasure
    -It is very time consuming to collect
  • Easterlin Paradox
    It states that Happiness and income are positivley correlated at low levels of income

    However, higher levels of income are not associated with increases in happiness
  • Economic indicators
    1. Unemployment
    2. Economic growth
    3. Current account
    4. Inflation
  • Economic agents
    1. Businesses/firms
    2. Consumers
    3. Government
    4. Workers
  • Why are PPP used?
    To imporve the accuracy when comparing data between countries